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Links — Two Dec 2018

Sputnik International
German Police Shut Down Concert Due to Mass Nazi Salute

Luna of Alabama
What Poroshenko Gets Wrong - H.W. Bush And The Ukraine

Ukraine’s regime divides province past times declaring martial law, Putin says

Russian Defense Ministry: NATO deploys troops along Russian border nether drills' guise
Tyler Durden
Megan Keller

US Gets Red People's Republic of China to Agree to What It Was Going to Do Anyway
Menzie Chin | Professor of Public Affairs as well as Economics, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin, as well as Co-editor, Journal of International Money as well as Finance

The Hill
Trump, Russian Federation as well as lessons from the mob: Did ‘godfathers’ steer collusion probe?
John Solomon | see contributor as well as executive vice president for video at The Hill

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