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Kevin Barrett - Trump’S Attorney Full General Nominee Barr A Drug Dealing Assassin?

At the exceed are or in addition to thence pretty nasty people. The the world is a unsafe place.

Anybody who thinks Trump is out to drain the swamp in addition to bust the Deep State simply got a dose of reality medicine, inward the degree of Trump’s nomination of swamp monster William Barr every bit our side yesteryear side Attorney General.
According to one-time Bush-CIA dark ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was work of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs in addition to was involved inward many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, in addition to dozens of others. Ironically, Trump—who tossed a few rhetorical punches at the Bush Crime Family during the 2016 Republican primaries—has simply nominated a human being who represented the Bush CIA drug cartel, both inside the CIA itself (1973-1977) in addition to afterward when he served every bit “Opium Poppy” Bush’s Attorney General.
David “DC Dave” Martin sends the next snippet of Tatum’s conversation amongst FBI investigator Ted Gunderson:
* * *
Chip Tatum: Several of the members that I flew to this coming together inward El Ocatal – hither are the people who were there: it was General NoriegaMike Harari, who was a retired Mossad agent assigned to Gen. Noriega, Felix RodriguezJoe Fernandez, who was the CIA station-chief inward Costa Rica, Gen. Gustavo Alvarez, who was the U.S. – or the Honduran Army main of staff, in addition to a guy named William Barr, who represented the assets of this enterprise.
Gunderson: Now, aspect a moment. William Barr used to endure attorney full general of the United States.
Tatum: He afterward became, nether his boss George Bush, the attorney full general of the United States, that’s correct.
Gunderson: That’s right. He replaced Thornburgh, wasn’t it?
Tatum: Yes, I believe so.
Gunderson: Well, isn’t that interesting? …so nosotros accept Vice President Bush, nosotros accept Ollie North, nosotros accept William Barr involved inward the drug-operation. It’s that simple, isn’t it?
Yes, it is.
So why would Trump burn Jeff Sessions in addition to appoint a depraved denizen of the Deep State to supervene upon him? Because Trump is the slimiest, scaliest reptile from the deepest darkest work of the Deep State swamp. If you lot haven’t figured that out yet, you lot aren’t paying attention.
Note that Trump has been slyly boasting of his swamp brute condition for years. Watch him rapturously identifying amongst the championship grapheme inward his favorite poem, “The Snake.”
 Veteran's Today

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