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Advantages Of Operations Query Or Inwards Determination Making

Advantages of Operations Research OR inwards Decision Making Advantages of Operations Research OR inwards Decision Making Advantages of Operations Research (OR)

The role, importance or advantages of Operations Research (OR) are:-

Advantages of Operations Research OR inwards Decision Making Advantages of Operations Research OR inwards Decision Making

Picture or Image depicting the Advantages of Operations Research (OR).

1. Effective Decisions

Operations Research (OR) helps the managers to accept amend as well as quicker decisions. It increases the set out of alternatives. It helps the managers to evaluate the opportunity as well as results of all the option decisions. So, OR makes the decisions to a greater extent than effective.

2. Better Coordination

Operations Research (OR) helps to coordinate all the decisions of the organisation. It coordinates all the decisions taken past times the dissimilar levels of management as well as the diverse departments of the organisation. For e.g. It coordinates the decisions taken past times the production subdivision amongst the decisions taken past times the marketing department.

3. Facilitates Control

Operations Research (OR) helps the director to command his subordinates. It helps the director to cause upwards one's heed which live on is most important. The director does the most of import live on himself, as well as he delegates the less of import live on to his subordinates.

Operations Research (OR) helps a director to cook standards for all the work. It helps him to mensurate the performance of the subordinates. It helps the director to notice out as well as right the deviations (difference) inwards the performance. So, OR facilitates control.

4. Improves Productivity

Operations Research (OR) helps to improve the productivity of the organisation. It helps to cause upwards one's heed virtually the selection, place as well as size of the factories, warehouses, etc. It helps inwards inventory control. It helps inwards production planning as well as control. It besides helps inwards manpower planning. OR is used inwards expansion, modernisation, installation of technology, etc. OR uses many dissimilar mathematical as well as statistical techniques to improve productivity. Simulation is used past times many organisations to improve their productivity. That is, they endeavor out many production improvement techniques on a modest scale. If these techniques are successful as well as hence they are used on a large scale.

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