Difference Betwixt Banking Concern Stand Upwards For Together With Ask Draft Dd - Distinguish
1. Meaning
A cheque is an unconditional club directing the banker to pay a certainly amount of coin alone to or to the club of a certainly person.
A draft is an club to pay coin drawn yesteryear ane part of a banking concern upon or as well as thus other part of the same banking concern for a amount of coin payable to club on demand.
Image credits © Luna Rodriguez.
2. Facility
The current account as well as saving account holders larn a banking concern fit facility.
Draft is issued to anyone fifty-fifty to non-account holders.
3. Purpose
Cheques are used to brand payments or to settle transactions. There is no certainty of payment inwards the representative of cheques equally they tin move dishonoured or payment tin move stopped.
The principal exercise of a draft is to transfer coin from ane house to or as well as thus other or to guarantee the certainty of payment to the payee.
4. Drawer
In representative of cheque, the drawer is the client of the bank.
In representative of draft, the drawer is the banking concern itself.
5. Bank charges
The banking concern may non accuse for issuing the banking concern fit book.
The banking concern charges a nominal fee or committee to lawsuit a draft.
6. Dishonour
Cheques tin move dishonoured for diverse reasons.
There is no query of dishonouring of draft.
7. Stopping of payment
In representative of cheque, the drawer tin inquire the banking concern to terminal payment of the banking concern fit fifty-fifty if it is delivered to the payee.
In representative of draft, the purchaser of the draft tin inquire the banking concern to terminal payment earlier the draft is delivered to the payee.
8. Popularity
Cheques are real mutual as well as pop mode of payment.
Drafts create non bask much popularity equally compared to cheques.
9. Clearance
In representative of cheque, at that topographic point is a demand for clearance.
In representative of a draft, at that topographic point is no demand for clearance, if DD is drawn on the same bank.
10. Parties involved
Three parties are involved inwards banking concern fit transaction viz., (a) Drawer, (b) Drawee, as well as (c) Payee.
Two parties are involved inwards draft transaction viz., (a) Drawer, as well as (b) Payee.
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