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Prof. James Petras - Immigration: Western Wars In Addition To Majestic Exploitation Uproot Millions

The West has ransacked Africa too Republic of Republic of India for centuries causing massive poverty inwards those continents, too and then the Western devastation of liberal democracies inwards the ME too caused more  poverty too migration. But forthwith nosotros receive got the latest Western backed wars inwards Africa causing massive migration.  KV

Having destroyed the lives of working people overseas too overthrown progressive leaders similar Libyan President Gadhafi too Honduran President Zelaya, millions were forced to teach immigrants.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Colombia, United Mexican States witnessed  the flight  of millions of immigrants  — all victims of U.S. too European Union wars. Washington too Brussels blamed the victims too defendant the immigrants of illegality too criminal comport .
The West debates expulsion, arrest too jail instead of reparations for crimes against humanity too violations of international law.
To confine immigration the starting fourth dimension measuring is to halt regal wars, withdraw troops,and to cease financing paramilitary too customer terrorists.
Secondly, the West should flora a long term multi-billion-dollar fund for reconstruction too recovery of the economies, markets too infrastructure they bombed
The demise of the peace displace allowed the U.S. too European Union to launch too prolong series wars which led to massive immigration – the so-called refugee crises too the flying to Europe.  There is a straight connecter betwixt the conversion of the liberal too social democrats to state of war -parties and  the forced flying of immigrants to the EU.
The reject of the merchandise unions  and worse, their loss of militancy has led to the loss of solidarity amongst people living inwards the midst of regal wars.  Many workers inwards the imperialist countries receive got directed their ire to those ‘below’ – the immigrants, – rather than to  the imperialists who directed the wars which created the immigration problem.
Immigration, state of war , the demise of the peace too workers movements,and left parties has led to the ascension of the militarists,and neo-liberals who receive got taken ability throughout the West.  Their , anti-immigrant politics, however, has provoked novel contradictions inside regimes,between work organisation elites too amid pop movements inwards the European Union too the US.  The elite too pop struggles tin choke inwards at to the lowest degree 2 directions – toward fascism or radical social democracy.
Global Research

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