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Craig Murray — Detente Bad, Mutual Frigidness Country Of War Good

The entire “liberal” media together with political institution of the Western basis reveals its militarist, authoritarian somebody today amongst the screaming together with hysterical attacks on the rattling prospect of detente amongst Russia. Peace champaign is a terrible thing; a renewed arms race, amongst quite literally trillions of dollars pumped into the armed forces industrial complex together with hundreds of thousands dying inward proxy wars, is champaign the “liberal” stance.
Political memories are short, but but fifteen years later on Republic of Iraq was destroyed together with the chain reaction sent close of the Arab basis dorsum to the nighttime ages, it is straightaway “treason” to query the give-and-take of the Western tidings agencies, which deliberately together with knowingly produced a stuff of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.

It would live on to a greater extent than rational for it to live on treason for leaders to blindly convey the give-and-take of the tidings services.…
The ability of consider to subvert reason, together with the ongoing ability of declaration based on (putative) authorisation rather than evidence.

Craig Murray Blog
Detente Bad, Cold War Good
Craig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan together with Rector of the University of Dundee

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