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Caitlin Johnstone — How Plutocratic Media Keeps Staff Aligned Amongst Institution Agendas

The manner I run across it at that topographic point are exclusively 2 possible explanations for the unanimous consensus inwards volume media on these issues:
Explanation 1: The consensus exists because the volume media reporters are all telling the truth all the time.
Explanation 2: The consensus exists because at that topographic point is closed to form of organization inwards house which keeps all volume media reporters lying to us as well as icon a simulated movie almost what’s going on inwards the world.
Those are the exclusively 2 possibilities, as well as exclusively i tin endure true, since whatsoever mixture of the 2 would termination inwards the loss of consensus.
Most mainstream westerners harbor an unquestioned supposition that Explanation 1 is the exclusively possibility.
I don't recollect that this binary is necessarily follows. There is at to the lowest degree i other alternative.

Based on my preparation inwards logic as well as philosophy, systems thinking, cognitive studies, as well as related subjects,  I recollect highly probable  that many if non most reporters create believe that they are telling the truth. I don't hateful to imply that this covers all of them, for example, those on the payroll of news services, who may believe inwards the motion but non the content. That this happens is no longer conspiracy theory. And a journalist doesn't convey to endure a bot for intel either to endure as well as hence devoted to the motion of "patriotism" to observe it "virtuous" to shape the narrative.

This has an explanation that tin exclusively endure surfaced inwards the ambit of this comment. It's a huge bailiwick as well as i that is absolutely essential inwards approaching the historical dialectic.

This "paradox of truth" is the termination of option basis views. High German has a term for this—Weltanschauung It is an import into English. Google Translate renders Weltanschauung as "world view," but "world view" is relatively rare inwards  English piece Weltanschauung is mutual inwards German.

World views —Wittgenstein called them "world pictures" (Weltbilder) — are ways of "seeing as" through the lens of language, where pregnant is determined largely past times utilisation inwards context. This tin endure expressed every bit ideology, but basis views are the basis of ideologies as well as every bit such are non articulated themselves since they are the lenses through which all of us "see" the basis every bit a system.

It's non only reporters here. Journalists are embedded inwards a social system. Everyone acquires a basis persuasion shaped through "nurture"—family background, education, enculturation, tradition, institutional influences, class, etc. Everyone is also influenced past times nature inwards the feel of inherited disposition. While every private is unique every bit an individual, nosotros are "the same" every bit human persons inwards sharing "human nature."

The notion that the hear is a mirror-like reflection of "reality" is called naive realism. That is non the manner it works. "Reality" is perspectival. Whoever controls the narrative controls the volume perception of reality based on the norms of the basis view. "Truth" is a social phenomenon that is socially constructed.

Of course, this doesn't hateful at that topographic point is no truth. It exclusively way that reaching is it limited past times bounded rationality.  There is a cost to pay for create as well as hence as well as most are unwilling to pay the price. So they proceed (with group-think) to larn along.

At the same fourth dimension every bit existence unique individuals as well as human persons (presumably sharing equal rights), humans are highly social animals as well as shaped past times their social milieu as well as its influences. An individual's basis persuasion grows out of this soil, as well as people tend to gravitate toward others similar them as well as affiliate alongside those who portion similar views based on a mutual basis view.

One of the logical functions of a basis persuasion is to render criteria for judging. These criteria move ideological norms. They are privileged assumptions whose business office is similar to definitions, axioms, postulated as well as stipulated rules inwards a formal system, forming the logical construction of the system.

In addition, at that topographic point is also professional person investment involved. Hiring as well as advertisement is based on asset the "correct" positions alongside abide by to the norm.
"It is hard to larn a human being to understand something, when his salary depends upon his non agreement it!"— Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (1935), ISBN 0-520-08198-6; repr. University of California Press, 1994, p. 109. (Wikiquote)
This is only the manner highly organized social systems operate logically. Those people that don't jibe into a organization or are unwilling to adapt to it are forced out of it, similar parasites attacked past times an immune organization earlier they tin kill the host.

So it is non surprising that most of journalists, professors, as well as other influencers are bots of the system.  Academic preparation is largely almost acquiring the "normal" prototype as well as existence able to business office seamlessly inwards it. That is only the manner the organization works. It is also a argue for organization rigidity, dysfunction, recurrent breakdowns, as well as eventual transformation or collapse.

I recollect that Caitlin Johnstone would largely concur alongside this based on other things she has written. It is also contained to closed to aeroplane inwards this post. I am only trying to clarify an of import signal that is non understood widely plenty fifty-fifty though it is "old knowledge."

Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist
How Plutocratic Media Keeps Staff Aligned With Establishment Agendas
Caitlin Johnstone

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