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John Helmer — Global Intelligence Hr Radio, Canada — Picayune Immature Adult Woman Ukraine Is Barking Upwardly The Incorrect Tree

Canada has endorsed U.S. merchandise warfare against China, Russia, the EU states, Iran, North Korea, too Venezuela, precisely registers its dismay when the Trump Administration refuses to hand Ottawa an indemnity overstep too then that it tin produce goodness from the impairment inflicted on the others.
Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has accepted a “Diplomat of the Year Award” from Foreign Policy Magazine, a subsidiary of the Washington Post too the Jeffrey Bezos media conglomerate which is sworn to topple President Donald Trump. Freeland’s supporters inwards the Liberal Party claim she has been exceptionally effective lobbying for Canadian interests inwards the US. After her lobbying has failed, Freeland claims it is unfair, absurd too illegal for the White House to threaten Canada amongst punishment duties on steel, aluminium, too cars.
In all mutual feel what tin Canadians aspect from the Americans if this is how Canada’s leaders behave?
What was Justin Trudeau thinking when he appointed Chrystia Freeland equally unusual minister?

Dances amongst Bears
John Helmer

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