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Menzie Chinn — “So China Is At I Time Paying Us Billions Of Dollars Inwards Tariffs”

How does a tariff work? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 tariff is a revenue enhancement on imported goods, in addition to then if a Chinese adept is sold to an American, the American literally has to pay the tax.

The quote inward a higher house is from Mr. Trump, equally recounted inward Peter Coy’s “The Real Pain From Trump’s Tariffs Trickles Down to Consumers” inward Bloomberg Businessweek; it clearly highlights the fact that either (1) Mr. Trump has no agreement of how tariffs work, or (2) he does understand, in addition to he’s lying....

Trump is evidently assuming that the cost remains the same domestically for the imported adept in addition to the exporter lowers the cost to conform the tariffs. 

Minzie Chinn explains why that is magical thinking, given the reality. Tariffs while higher prices for imports domestically. 

This is essentially a revenue enhancement on consumers of imported goods.

“So Communist People's Republic of China Is Now Paying Us Billions of Dollars inward Tariffs”
Menzie Chinn | Professor of Public Affairs in addition to Economics, Department of Economics, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin at Madison, in addition to Co-editor, Journal of International Money in addition to Finance

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