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Paul Craig Roberts - Trump Is A Disaster

Trump is a disaster for the environment, for wildlife, together with for human life.
Trump has handed over to polluters crude together with mineral rights inwards USA National Monuments. Mining volition right away deface what was earlier Trump protected national monuments, together with crude drilling volition destroy the Arctic National Refuge. He has appointed polluters to operate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), together with he has waived rules inwards gild to comply alongside the polluting industries’ wishing list.
Trump wants to cutting EPA funding past times 23 per centum together with to cutting funding for restoration programs for the Great Lakes together with Chesapeake Bay past times ninety percent. He wants to pay for the upkeep of national parks past times expanding crude together with gas exploration on populace lands. But he doesn’t hesitate to mail the equivalent of the annual environmental budget inwards state of war criminal missile attacks on Syrian Arab Republic together with plans for attacking Iran.
To locomote quite clear, Trump is privatizing national belongings together with allowing a pocket-sized handful of polluting corporations to plunder populace assets patch he builds a representative for state of war against Iran.
The onrush on the surroundings started alongside VP Dick Cheney, exactly Trump has unleashed soul plunder of populace assets to an extreme degree.
No 1 has always explained how assets owned past times the American people tin give the axe locomote turned over to a few friends together with supporters of the ruling elite inwards Washington. In what police delineate does the ability be for a president or federal way chairman to expropriate populace assets for plunder past times politically connected friends?

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