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Jct Distribution Tables

Courtesy Greg Mankiw, the Joint Committee on Taxation distributional analysis of the novel revenue enhancement law.

Bottom line: No change. Income categories are paying close precisely the same part of federal taxes equally before. Millionaires genuinely pay a tiny fleck larger part inwards the novel bill.

Given the distributional hue together with cry, frankly, it is a surprise to me only how tiny -- far below measuring errors -- the changes are.

One tin sack fence whether this is the "right" mensurate of progressivity or redistribution, whether a revenue enhancement cutting should include a alter inwards which income categories pay what share. But it summarizes the facts, which are stubborn things. Shares of federal taxes paid past times income groups produce non change. Millionaires larn bigger dollar revenue enhancement cuts precisely to the extent that they pay higher taxes. Period.

Note to those exterior the beltway: The Joint Committee on Taxation is the commission gear upward past times Congress to evaluate revenue enhancement policy. Most criticism I've seen of its calculations lately come upward from the right.

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