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Released: Abolish Coin (From Economics)!

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My latest written report - Abolish Money (From Economics)! - has been released inward ebook format. (The paperback edition volition hold upward published inside a few weeks.) The ebook is available at the same online booksellers every bit my previous books.

Book Summary:

We alive inward a monetary economy, in addition to thus it is non surprising that coin plays an of import business office inside economical theory. The declaration of this mass is that this business office has drib dead also important, in addition to has warped our might to intend virtually the economy. The of import psychological business office of coin inside lodge has been transferred to monetary aggregates, in addition to they are given far to a greater extent than significance than they deserve. Economists accept wasted considerable fourth dimension discussing reforms to the monetary system, such every bit Quantitative Easing, Positive Money, in addition to Helicopter Money. We necessitate to instead focus our attending on non-monetary reforms.

This mass consists of 22 essays that hash out the business office of coin inside economical theory, in addition to the controversies raised past times debates virtually the business office of money. The tone is informal, every bit the theoretical debates are translated into evidently language.

Book Description

The mass is longer than my previous reports; approximately 43,000 words, amongst virtually thirty charts in addition to figures. (I volition add together a page count i time I complete laying out the paperback edition.)

The agency of this mass is different; it is a collection of brusk articles, a issue of which previously were published inward draft cast online. (Even the articles that were previously published accept to a greater extent than ofttimes than non been heavily modified.) The writing agency is like to my online articles, although I aimed to bring down the complexity of the writing.

My feeling is a bibliography is non well-suited to ebooks, in addition to and thus I accept moved references to footnotes (endnotes).

ISBN Information

  • 978-0-9947480-7-2 Epub Edition
  • 978-0-9947480-6-5 Kindle Edition
  • 978-0-9947480-8-9 Paperback Edition

Book Sections

Part I  Money in addition to Its Discontents
1  Introduction
ii  Abolish Money (From Economics)!
Part II  Primers
iii  Banks in addition to Money
iv  Primer: Monetary Aggregates
v  Primer: Money Neutrality in addition to Velocity
vi  Primer: Quantitative Easing
Part III  Monetary Controversies
seven  Instability of Money Velocity
8  Should We Care About Money Supply Growth?
ix  Seriously, Money Is Not a Zero-Coupon Perpetual
10  Primer: Endogenous Versus Exogenous Money
eleven  The Incoherence of Money Neutrality
12  Would Eliminating Money From Monetarism Have Stopped It From Jumping the Shark?
thirteen  No, Banks Do Not Lend Reserves
fourteen  Money every bit Debt
xv  Positive Money
xvi  Central Banks every bit Pawnbrokers
17  Coming to Grips amongst “Helicopter Money”
eighteen  Money has zip to create amongst Overt Monetary Financing
xix  The Political Problems amongst Helicopter Money
xx  Should We Care About the Origins of Money?
21  Abolishing Currency inward the Real World Is Just Plain Nuts
Part IV: Looking Forward
22  Financial Assets Matter, Not Money
23  Money inward SFC Models


(c) Brian Romanchuk 2017

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