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Goodman Plan

John Goodman has an first-class health-care slice at National Review Online. You don't convey to subscribe to every chemical component subdivision of his "plan" to appreciate many of his trenchant observations of coming Obamacare disasters. (Any "plan" that advertises it is crafted to come across perceived political constraints is leap to move less than perfect equally a thing of economics.)

The slight weak point: he keeps community rating together with guaranteed issue, but talks virtually how people postulate to sign upwardly right away or lose that produce goodness equally they produce inward Medicare. I'm non certain simply how he wants to produce that or if that's realistic. But the big motion painting is correct on: deregulated, individual, portable insurance.

Transferability betwixt plans is a prissy point:  "if an expensive-to-treat patient moves from Plan Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to Plan B, the one-time has to compensate the latter for whatever above-average expected costs — simply the fashion Medicare compensates private plans."

But read it for the mess we're inward now. Lots of looming problems convey non made headlines. Yet.

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