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Why Falcone's Conception B Should Live On Rejected

I convey an quondam calculator nether my desk. Its a Toshiba laptop from nearly 1998. I run Puppy-Linux on it because it can't run anything to a greater extent than powerful.

Its proficient for purpose - a depression powered device.

I am told past times the physicists that if I work it for high-powered uses I volition blow circuits too destroy my the local network.

So I instruct to the Department of Defence too nation tin I swap my quondam low-powered device for your high-powered supercomputer?

Of shape they would laugh.

Now the WSJ is reporting that Phil Falcone has a Lightsquared Plan B. He wants to swap his spectrum which is specifically entirely available for low-powered work for the Department of Defence's spectrum, spectrum which is available for high powered use.

The Department of Defence should merely laugh.

If this gets past times the just-laugh phase I worry for American democracy. If this truly happens nosotros know the orbit for corruption inwards America is unlimited.

If the DOD wants to role amongst its valuable spectrum merely auction it. Giving billions of dollars to fading - soon-to-be-bust hedge funds. That is beyond whatsoever semblance of decency.

Phil, for the sake of decency too because yous are ultimately a patriot - merely pose Lightsquared inwards Chapter 11. Leave the corrupt obtaining of world assets to Chinese billionaires too Russian Oligarchs. You are meliorate than that.


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