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New Blogger Duplicate Content Cure - Stimulate Duplicate Contents

New Blogger Duplicate Content Cure Article

What is Duplicate Content ?

Duplicate Content only agency repetition of same information, ordinarily copied discussion to discussion in addition to simultaneously made available at diverse locations either on your ain weblog and/or published on others' websites (with or without your consent). Most widely used blogging softwares similar Wordpress, New Blogger inwards Draft also endure from Duplicate Content issues. If you're a Blogspot user yous likely know that 1 time yous release whatever shipping service its information is simultaneously made available at iii dissimilar locations on your blog. These iii locations are Post page, Index page in addition to your blog's Archive page.

Google's Duplicate Content Policy

Google search engine penalise sites alongside Duplicate Content in addition to blogspot blogs are no execption to its strict policy. I don't blame Google for such strict guide every bit I think its exclusively motto is to ambit credit to master copy content provider in addition to crub content copiers yesteryear labeling them nether supplement results. This helps Google to arrive at about judge alongside master copy content provider in addition to overall growth users' satisfaction yesteryear filtering duplicate information.

A Duplicate Content Trap

It may larn messy if master copy publisher's site itself gets caught inwards Duplicate Content trap. This has happened alongside 1 of my blog. Initially all of its novel pages were indexed yesteryear for few days but afterward most of them all of a abrupt went off into Google's supplement results. Duplicate content badly hammers site's indexed pages, its pageranks, affects traffic character in addition to finally revenue generation too.

Tips For Duplicate Content Cure

Duplicate Content is really slowly to create or cure yesteryear using next tips:-

1. The 1st really basic stride every novel blogger should shout back is that never re-create in addition to glue others contents straight on your website or blog. Even if yous arrive at therefore unluckly, encounter to it that yous amend rewrite the same message inwards your ain words. Please! Never re-create straight others contents on your site since Google's Algorithm volition definitely grab your copied contents and afterward penalise your site badly.

2. The 2d most of import stride is to prior verify (by searching on whether the information you're well-nigh to release is already indexed inwards search engine or not. If yous discovery it is already indexed discussion to discussion in addition to then amend re-write it 1 time to a greater extent than inwards your ain words. However if yous write articles without referring other online resources in addition to then yous require non follow this stride since anyhow you'll arrive at unique master copy material.

3. The third stride is to brand your ain blog's platform a Duplicate Content Cured.

Wordpress Duplicate Content Cure

As far every bit wordpress blogs are concerned at that spot is a slowly solution for them inwards next Wordpress Duplicate Content Cure Code :-

<!-- Wordpress Duplicate Content Cure --> <?php if((is_single() || is_page()) && (!is_paged()))  { ?>  <meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp" /> <?php } ?> <?php if(is_home()) { ?>  <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow,noodp" /> <?php } ?> <?php if(is_archive() || is_category()) { ?>  <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow,noarchive,noodp" /> <?php } ?> <?php if(is_search() || is_404()) { ?>  <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow,noarchive,noodp" /> <?php } ?> <!-- Wordpress Duplicate Content Cure -->

To implement this on your wordpress weblog opened upward wp-content\themes\default\header.php inwards a notepad in addition to add together inwards a higher identify code anywere within its caput tag. Above code willl teach robot to index exclusively article pages in addition to non archive pages of your wordpress blog. Further very important, yous require non use WORDPRESS DUPLICATE CONTENT CURE PLUGIN with this code.

Blogspot (Blogger) Duplicate Content Cure

What well-nigh Blogspot users ? There is an slowly solution for them too but blogspot users may accept to edit at that spot weblog template. To arrive at therefore follow these steps:-

Step 1) Login inwards your blogger trace concern human relationship in addition to and then become to Layout >> Edit HTML.

Step 2) Backup your master copy template start yesteryear clicking 'Download Full Template'

Step 3) Then await at your template code in addition to scroll till yous discovery < caput > in addition to exactly after that but earlier < trunk > add next recommended code to brand your weblog permanently Duplicate Content free:-

See motion painting below to know, How to add together code inwards your blogspot template?

New Blogger Duplicate Content Cure Article New Blogger Duplicate Content Cure - Fix Duplicate Contents

Code For Indexing Only Blogger Article Pages...

This Code is Highly Recommended !!!

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'> <meta content='noindex,follow,noarchive,noodp' name='robots'/> <b:else/> <meta content='index,follow,noarchive,noodp' name='robots'/> </b:if>

Above code volition teach a search engine to index exclusively unique article shipping service pages in addition to non to index either abode page or archive pages.

After testing for nearly vii months, I say, inwards a higher identify Blogspot Duplicate Content Cure Code plant bang-up non exclusively on Google but also on other search engines including latest Bing in addition to improved Yahoo Search. It is condom to purpose inwards a higher identify code in addition to indexing your unique article(item) pages won't move a problem.

I highly recommend all blogspot users to purpose exclusively inwards a higher identify tested code inwards their templates to effectively Fix Duplicate Content. I'm also using this same code on my blog.

Alternate Code For Indexing Both Blogger Home Page & Article Pages...

Alternate Case:- Some bloggers may desire to index both Home page every bit good every bit Post pages but non Archive pages, if that's the illustration amend purpose this code...

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <meta content='index,follow,noarchive,noodp' name='robots'/> </b:if>  <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> <meta content='index,follow,noarchive,noodp' name='robots'/> <b:else/> <meta content='noindex,follow,noarchive,noodp' name='robots'/> </b:if> </b:if>  <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'> <meta content='noindex,follow,noarchive,noodp' name='robots'/> </b:if> 

This alternate code volition index both Home page every bit good every bit Article(item) Post pages of your weblog but non Archive pages.

I've covered all major duplicate content issues. If yous nevertheless accept a work in addition to then let's beak over it. Please purpose comment box on this page in addition to move out me a message.

Best of Luck in addition to Happy Blogging !!! Rds, Gaurav Akrani :)

Article Updated On: 26th June 2009.

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