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What Is Determination Making? Pregnant Definition Articles

decision making pregnant definition articles What is Decision Making? Meaning definition Articles What is Decision Making? Meaning

The English linguistic communication give-and-take 'Decision' originated from the Latin give-and-take 'decisio' which agency "to cutting from."

'To decide' agency "to come upwardly to a conclusion" or "to transcend a resolution."

decision making pregnant definition articles What is Decision Making? Meaning definition Articles

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Decision making agency to select a class of activeness from 2 or to a greater extent than alternatives. It is done to accomplish a specific objective or to solve a specific problem.

decision making pregnant definition articles What is Decision Making? Meaning definition Articles Definition of Decision Making

According to James Stoner,

"Decision making is the procedure of identifying in addition to selecting a class of activeness to solve a specific problem."

According to Trewartha in addition to Newport,

"Decision making involves the selection of a class of activeness from alongside 2 or to a greater extent than possible alternatives inwards lodge to become far at a solution for a given problem."

decision making pregnant definition articles What is Decision Making? Meaning definition Articles Articles on Decision Making

Articles on determination making inwards administration :-

  1. Decision making procedure inwards management.
  2. Importance of determination making.
  3. Limitations of determination making.
  4. Steps inwards determination making process.
  5. Non-Programmed decisions inwards management.
  6. Modern techniques for making programmed decisions.

decision making pregnant definition articles What is Decision Making? Meaning definition Articles Components of Decision Making

Decision making inwards administration has 3 components, viz.,

  1. Alternatives : There are 2 or to a greater extent than alternatives. Decision making agency to select the best alternative.
  2. Choice : Decision making involves a choice. It agency to select the best solution for solving the problem.
  3. Objectives or Problem : Decision making is objective oriented. It is done to accomplish an objective or to solve a problem.

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