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Bank Of England: The 7 Deadly Paradoxes Of Cryptocurrency (With A Cameo Appearance Yesteryear Izabella Kaminska)

Paradox #4 volition daze you!

As the Old Lady de Threadneedle flexes her clickbait muscles:
  • A number inward the headline: check
  • An strange number: check
  • A slight twist on an ambiguously referenced faint cultural memory: check
I'm in. (actually you lot had me at "The...")

From the BofE's Bank Underground blog, Nov. 13:

The 7 deadly paradoxes of cryptocurrency
Will people inward 2030 buy goods, get mortgages or hold their pension pots inward bitcoin, ethereum or ripple rather than key banking concern issued currencies? I uncertainty it.  Existing someone cryptocurrencies exercise non seriously threaten traditional monies because they are afflicted past times multiple internal contradictions. They are difficult to scale, are expensive to store, cumbersome to maintain, tricky for holders to liquidate, virtually worthless inward theory, together with boxed inward past times their anonymity. And if newer cryptocurrencies e'er emerge to solve these problems, that’s additional downside intelligence for the value of existing ones.

The congestion paradox
For a conventional medium of exchange, the to a greater extent than people who role it, the better. Like inward telecoms or social media networks, network externalities mean that the to a greater extent than users 1 has, the to a greater extent than attractive it is for others to sign up. Additionally, most conventional platforms exercise goodness from economies of scale: because their costs are largely fixed, spreading them over to a greater extent than transactions lowers average costs.
But cryptocurrency platforms are different. Their costs are largely variable, their capacity is largely fixed. Like the London Underground inward rush hour, crypto platforms are vulnerable to congestion: to a greater extent than patrons makes them *less* attractive. Some (but non all) accept really express capacity: Bitcoin has an estimated maximum of logjams  and delays. Transaction fees accept to rising inward lodge to eliminate the excess demand. So Bitcoin’s high transaction cost work gets worse, non better, equally transaction demand expands.

The storage paradox
Ironically, virtual cryptocurrencies relying on a distributed ledger may hold upwards vulnerable to a crippling diseconomy of scale through system-wide digital storage costs. Each user has to maintain their ain re-create of the entire transactions history, together with so an N-fold increase inward users together with transactions, agency an N-squared crimp increase inward aggregate storage needs. The BIS have crunched the numbers for a hypothetical distributed ledger of all the US retail transactions, together with visit that storage demands would grow to over 100 gigabytes per user within 2 together with one-half years.

The mining paradox
Rewarding “miners” amongst novel units of currency for processing transactions leads to a tension betwixt users together with miners.  This crystalises inward Bitcoin’s conflict over how many transactions tin hold upwards processed inward a block. Miners desire this kept small: keeping the currency illiquid, creating to a greater extent than congestion together with raising transaction fees – therefore increasing rewards for miners facing ever to a greater extent than liberate energy intensive transaction verification. But users desire the exact opposite: higher capacity, lower transactions costs together with to a greater extent than liquidity, together with and so favour larger block sizes.

Izabella Kaminska points out this tradeoff has been *temporarily* masked past times upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows creating subsidies via the mining rewards system. Newly min(t)ed bitcoins are purchased past times incoming investors who but desire to agree them long term. Investors cross-subsidise the payment infrastructure, because they are willing to purchase the bitcoin created equally a block vantage for processing payments.  But when those buy-to-hoard inflows cease together with so does the cross-subsidy, together with the tradeoff re-appears amongst a vengeance.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 someone cryptocurrency must continually attract to a greater extent than upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to mask the transactions costs (a staggering ≈1.6% of organisation payment volume). By contrast, most traditional mediums of central don’t require such sizeable upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to maintain their transactions infrastructure.

The adjacent 2 paradoxes relate to currencies’ role equally a store of value:...

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logjams  and delays. Transaction fees accept to rising inward lodge to eliminate the excess demand. So Bitcoin’s high transaction cost work gets worse, non better, equally transaction demand expands.

The storage paradox
Ironically, virtual cryptocurrencies relying on a distributed ledger may hold upwards vulnerable to a crippling diseconomy of scale through system-wide digital storage costs. Each user has to maintain their ain re-create of the entire transactions history, together with so an N-fold increase inward users together with transactions, agency an N-squared crimp increase inward aggregate storage needs. The BIS have crunched the numbers for a hypothetical distributed ledger of all the US retail transactions, together with visit that storage demands would grow to over 100 gigabytes per user within 2 together with one-half years.

The mining paradox
Rewarding “miners” amongst novel units of currency for processing transactions leads to a tension betwixt users together with miners.  This crystalises inward Bitcoin’s conflict over how many transactions tin hold upwards processed inward a block. Miners desire this kept small: keeping the currency illiquid, creating to a greater extent than congestion together with raising transaction fees – therefore increasing rewards for miners facing ever to a greater extent than liberate energy intensive transaction verification. But users desire the exact opposite: higher capacity, lower transactions costs together with to a greater extent than liquidity, together with and so favour larger block sizes.

Izabella Kaminska points out this tradeoff has been *temporarily* masked past times upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows creating subsidies via the mining rewards system. Newly min(t)ed bitcoins are purchased past times incoming investors who but desire to agree them long term. Investors cross-subsidise the payment infrastructure, because they are willing to purchase the bitcoin created equally a block vantage for processing payments.  But when those buy-to-hoard inflows cease together with so does the cross-subsidy, together with the tradeoff re-appears amongst a vengeance.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 someone cryptocurrency must continually attract to a greater extent than upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to mask the transactions costs (a staggering ≈1.6% of organisation payment volume). By contrast, most traditional mediums of central don’t require such sizeable upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to maintain their transactions infrastructure.

The adjacent 2 paradoxes relate to currencies’ role equally a store of value:...

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logjams  and delays. Transaction fees accept to rising inward lodge to eliminate the excess demand. So Bitcoin’s high transaction cost work gets worse, non better, equally transaction demand expands.

The storage paradox
Ironically, virtual cryptocurrencies relying on a distributed ledger may hold upwards vulnerable to a crippling diseconomy of scale through system-wide digital storage costs. Each user has to maintain their ain re-create of the entire transactions history, together with so an N-fold increase inward users together with transactions, agency an N-squared crimp increase inward aggregate storage needs. The BIS have crunched the numbers for a hypothetical distributed ledger of all the US retail transactions, together with visit that storage demands would grow to over 100 gigabytes per user within 2 together with one-half years.

The mining paradox
Rewarding “miners” amongst novel units of currency for processing transactions leads to a tension betwixt users together with miners.  This crystalises inward Bitcoin’s conflict over how many transactions tin hold upwards processed inward a block. Miners desire this kept small: keeping the currency illiquid, creating to a greater extent than congestion together with raising transaction fees – therefore increasing rewards for miners facing ever to a greater extent than liberate energy intensive transaction verification. But users desire the exact opposite: higher capacity, lower transactions costs together with to a greater extent than liquidity, together with and so favour larger block sizes.

Izabella Kaminska points out this tradeoff has been *temporarily* masked past times upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows creating subsidies via the mining rewards system. Newly min(t)ed bitcoins are purchased past times incoming investors who but desire to agree them long term. Investors cross-subsidise the payment infrastructure, because they are willing to purchase the bitcoin created equally a block vantage for processing payments.  But when those buy-to-hoard inflows cease together with so does the cross-subsidy, together with the tradeoff re-appears amongst a vengeance.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 someone cryptocurrency must continually attract to a greater extent than upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to mask the transactions costs (a staggering ≈1.6% of organisation payment volume). By contrast, most traditional mediums of central don’t require such sizeable upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to maintain their transactions infrastructure.

The adjacent 2 paradoxes relate to currencies’ role equally a store of value:... ...MUCH MORE

For to a greater extent than on clickbait encounter roughly of the lessons from our Master Class series:
Clicking On Clickbait WILL Lower Your IQ 
logjams  and delays. Transaction fees accept to rising inward lodge to eliminate the excess demand. So Bitcoin’s high transaction cost work gets worse, non better, equally transaction demand expands.

The storage paradox
Ironically, virtual cryptocurrencies relying on a distributed ledger may hold upwards vulnerable to a crippling diseconomy of scale through system-wide digital storage costs. Each user has to maintain their ain re-create of the entire transactions history, together with so an N-fold increase inward users together with transactions, agency an N-squared crimp increase inward aggregate storage needs. The BIS have crunched the numbers for a hypothetical distributed ledger of all the US retail transactions, together with visit that storage demands would grow to over 100 gigabytes per user within 2 together with one-half years.

The mining paradox
Rewarding “miners” amongst novel units of currency for processing transactions leads to a tension betwixt users together with miners.  This crystalises inward Bitcoin’s conflict over how many transactions tin hold upwards processed inward a block. Miners desire this kept small: keeping the currency illiquid, creating to a greater extent than congestion together with raising transaction fees – therefore increasing rewards for miners facing ever to a greater extent than liberate energy intensive transaction verification. But users desire the exact opposite: higher capacity, lower transactions costs together with to a greater extent than liquidity, together with and so favour larger block sizes.

Izabella Kaminska points out this tradeoff has been *temporarily* masked past times upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows creating subsidies via the mining rewards system. Newly min(t)ed bitcoins are purchased past times incoming investors who but desire to agree them long term. Investors cross-subsidise the payment infrastructure, because they are willing to purchase the bitcoin created equally a block vantage for processing payments.  But when those buy-to-hoard inflows cease together with so does the cross-subsidy, together with the tradeoff re-appears amongst a vengeance.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 someone cryptocurrency must continually attract to a greater extent than upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to mask the transactions costs (a staggering ≈1.6% of organisation payment volume). By contrast, most traditional mediums of central don’t require such sizeable upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to maintain their transactions infrastructure.

The adjacent 2 paradoxes relate to currencies’ role equally a store of value:... ...MUCH MORE

For to a greater extent than on clickbait encounter roughly of the lessons from our Master Class series:
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logjams  and delays. Transaction fees accept to rising inward lodge to eliminate the excess demand. So Bitcoin’s high transaction cost work gets worse, non better, equally transaction demand expands.

The storage paradox
Ironically, virtual cryptocurrencies relying on a distributed ledger may hold upwards vulnerable to a crippling diseconomy of scale through system-wide digital storage costs. Each user has to maintain their ain re-create of the entire transactions history, together with so an N-fold increase inward users together with transactions, agency an N-squared crimp increase inward aggregate storage needs. The BIS have crunched the numbers for a hypothetical distributed ledger of all the US retail transactions, together with visit that storage demands would grow to over 100 gigabytes per user within 2 together with one-half years.

The mining paradox
Rewarding “miners” amongst novel units of currency for processing transactions leads to a tension betwixt users together with miners.  This crystalises inward Bitcoin’s conflict over how many transactions tin hold upwards processed inward a block. Miners desire this kept small: keeping the currency illiquid, creating to a greater extent than congestion together with raising transaction fees – therefore increasing rewards for miners facing ever to a greater extent than liberate energy intensive transaction verification. But users desire the exact opposite: higher capacity, lower transactions costs together with to a greater extent than liquidity, together with and so favour larger block sizes.

Izabella Kaminska points out this tradeoff has been *temporarily* masked past times upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows creating subsidies via the mining rewards system. Newly min(t)ed bitcoins are purchased past times incoming investors who but desire to agree them long term. Investors cross-subsidise the payment infrastructure, because they are willing to purchase the bitcoin created equally a block vantage for processing payments.  But when those buy-to-hoard inflows cease together with so does the cross-subsidy, together with the tradeoff re-appears amongst a vengeance.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 someone cryptocurrency must continually attract to a greater extent than upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to mask the transactions costs (a staggering ≈1.6% of organisation payment volume). By contrast, most traditional mediums of central don’t require such sizeable upper-case missive of the alphabet inflows to maintain their transactions infrastructure.

The adjacent 2 paradoxes relate to currencies’ role equally a store of value:... ...MUCH MORE

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