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Moon Of Alabama — Senate Reports On 'Russian Influence Campaign' Neglect To Hash Out Its Alone Known Motive

Both reports hold back at the usage information as well as the content themes the IRA operate pages provided. Both claim that the intent of the IRA was to influence the election as well as to sow discord inside the U.S.A. of America population. But in that place is no, none, nada, null show inwards the information that the IRA had such an intent. Nor is their whatsoever testimony or disputation on it.
In contrast the Muller investigation, which looked into the case, works life show that the IRA had a commercial intent. Unfortunately this is mentioned neither inwards the 2 reports, nor inwards the electrical current intelligence well-nigh them. The alone actually known motive the IRA had when it created those accounts as well as filled them alongside content is exactly ignored.
We showed inwards The "Russian Ads" On Facebook Are Just Another Click-Bait Scheme that the IRA people exactly created pages on Facebook as well as elsewhere to attract every bit many 'eyeballs' every bit possible. This so called 'click bait' was used to atomic number 82 people to webpages on which the IRA sold promotion space.
This was confirmed when the Muller investigation indicted the IRA every bit described inwards Mueller Indictment - The "Russian Influence" Is Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Commercial Marketing Scheme. Point 95 of the indictment says inwards relation to wire fraud accusations:
Defendants as well as their co-conspirators also used the accounts to have coin from existent U.S.A. of America persons inwards telephone substitution for posting promotions as well as advertisements on the ORGANIZATION-controlled social media pages. Defendants as well as their co-conspirators typically charged sure as shooting U.S.A. of America merchants as well as U.S.A. of America social media sites betwixt 25 as well as fifty U.S.A. of America dollars per postal service for promotional content on their pop faux U.S.A. of America persona accounts, including Being Patriotic, Defend the 2nd, as well as Blacktivist.
The IRA wanted to brand money.
It so naturally concentrated on content themes that took the to the lowest degree attempt to practice piece attracting a maximum numbers of 'eyeballs' which could so hold upward sold to advertisers. That is why to a greater extent than or less of its pages were well-nigh cute puppies. Cute puppies ever sell. Using the intelligence value of the election the IRA created pages that were pro-Trump as well as pages that were anti-Trump. Themes that did non attract plenty eye-balls were discarded, those which did good were farther promoted. This maximized the numbers of potential eyeballs as well as thus its promotion income....

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