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Links 28 Nov 2018

Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist
MSM Is Like Big Pharma: The Rewards Of Malpractice Outweigh The Penalties
Caitlin Johnstone

WCEG — The Equitablog
U.S. income increment has been stagnant. To what flat depends on how y'all mensurate it.
Austin Clemens

Strategic Culture Foundation
As Time Runs Out, Poroshenko together with the West Poison the Sea of Azov

Sputnik International
Russian MoD: Daesh Plans to Use Chemical Weapons Against US-Backed Kurdish Units

Farah Master, Orathai Sriring together with Anne Marie Roantree

Zero Hedge
Putin: "We Aren't Aiming To Ditch The Dollar, The Dollar Is Ditching Us"
Tyler Durden

Putin says Russian Federation powerfulness beef upwards portion of domestic equipment inward oil, gas sector to 90

Putin: US-China merchandise state of war offers slap-up opportunities for Russia

Raw Story
MSM Is Like Big Pharma: The Rewards Of Malpractice Outweigh The Penalties
Caitlin Johnstone

WCEG — The Equitablog
U.S. income increment has been stagnant. To what flat depends on how y'all mensurate it.
Austin Clemens

Strategic Culture Foundation
His "gut," together with non his encephalon is how he runs everything?
Col. W. Patrick Lang, U.S. Army (ret.)

Government Use of Tear Gas Is Illegal inward War. It Should Be Illegal Here, Too
Jamil Dakwar, Director, ACLU Human Rights Program

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