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Col. W. Patrick Lang — An Editorial On Trump's Methods

I get got seen this form of methodology many times earlier inward the basis of sole possessor entrepreneurial business. In that basis egotism is manly soul monarch together with the owner/wheeler dealer stands solitary surrounded past times underlings together with consultants. For him they are nothing. They are expendable assets who be solely to serve his egocentric volition together with interests. They are at that topographic point to hold out useful to him together with tin privy hold out disposed of whenever they are not. Trump operates precisely that way. Subordinates are disposable at will. Institutions hateful nada to such a man. He needs a secretarial assistant to run errands for him, non a chief-of-staff who volition inevitably want to hold out a "player." Anyone who takes the chore is a fool.
"You're fired."

Sic Semper Tyrannis
An editorial on Trump's methods
Col. W. Patrick Lang, the States Army (ret.)
At the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lang was the Defense Intelligence Officer (DIO) for the Middle East, Southern Asia together with counter-terrorism, together with later, the outset Director of the Defense Humint Service. At the DIA, he was a fellow member of the Defense Senior Executive Service. He participated inward the drafting of National Intelligence Estimates. From 1992 to 1994, all the US armed services attachés worldwide reported to him. During that period, he likewise briefed President George H. W. Bush at the White House, equally he had during Operation Desert Storm.

He was likewise the caput of news analysis for the Middle East for 7 or viii years at that institution. He was the caput of all the Middle East together with Southern Asia analysis inward DIA for counter-terrorism for 7 years. For his service inward the DIA, Lang received the Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive. — Wikipedia

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