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When All Almost You Lot Are Losing Their Heads...

Oh hell, I told Siva I wouldn't quote [paraphrase] Kipling anymore.
Anyway, the side past times side work is "...we plough to ZeroHedge"
An assortment of recent headlines:

Stocks Slammed As Liquidations Accelerate; Bitcoin, Bonds, & Bullion Bid
Foreigners Dump the U.S.A. Treasuries As They Liquidate H5N1 Record Amount Of the U.S.A. Stocks
Here's H5N1 Problem: Almost Nobody Is Short 
"This Is H5N1 Bear Market" - Stocks Slump After Gundlach Unleashes Truth-Bombs On CNBC
Ron Paul: The Market Correction Could Make Things "Worse Than 1929"

Ah, I experience then much better. Perhaps a flake of lite reading:
"It was a brilliant mutual coldness twenty-four hours inwards April, too the clocks were hitting thirteen..."

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