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Senator Introduces Nib That Would Post Ceos To Jail For Violating Consumer Privacy

From Motherboard, Nov. 1:

The 'Consumer Data Protection Act' is a neb that would comprehensively overhaul cyberspace privacy protections
Oregon Senator Ron Wyden has introduced a comprehensive novel privacy neb he claims volition finally address the lack of meaningful privacy protections for American consumers.
Wyden says his Consumer Data Protection Act is a straight reply to the sea of privacy scandals that postulate keep plagued the cyberspace for the ameliorate business office of the lastly decade.

The Senator’s proposal would dramatically beef upward Federal Trade Commission authorisation too funding to fissure downward on privacy violations, permit consumers opt out of having their sensitive personal information collected too sold, too impose harsh novel penalties on a massive information monetization manufacture that has for years claimed that self-regulation is all that’s necessary to protect consumer privacy.

Wyden’s neb proposes that companies whose revenue exceeds $1 billion per year—or warehouse information on to a greater extent than than l i 1000 m consumers or consumer devices—submit “annual information protection reports” to the authorities detailing all steps taken to protect the safety too privacy of consumers’ personal information.

The proposed legislation would too levy penalties upward to twenty years inward prison theater too $5 i 1000 m inward fines for executives who knowingly mislead the FTC inward these reports. The FTC’s authorisation over such matters is currently limited—one of the reasons telecom giants postulate keep been eager to movement oversight of their manufacture from the Federal Communications Commission to the FTC....
...MUCH MORE, it's a pretty big step.

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