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Latest Polling Information Shows Virtually Everyone Forthwith Knows Close Bitcoin! So, On To The Adjacent Stage - Adoption.

Generally, earlier something becomes commonplace it goes through the phases of development, awareness, in addition to and then adoption.

When it comes it Bitcoin, it looks similar nosotros tin officially tell we've entered the third in addition to lastly stage - at to the lowest degree hither inwards the UK. According to the latest polling conducted past times YouGov, an astounding 93% of people had at to the lowest degree heard of the cryptocurrency.

While the enquiry wasn't asked inwards previous years, I tin tell y'all from experience - i'd live shocked if that release was to a higher house 10% inwards 2016, over the lastly two years we've really seen Earth awaken, at to the lowest degree to it's existence.

Adoption unfortunately is around other story, every bit 6% of men tell they ain Bitcoin, in addition to but 1% of women.

Some other interesting information from the poll:

- Only 4% experience they empathise Bitcoin 'very well'.
- Most who owned Bitcoin savage inside the ages of 12-24
- Only 1% of those over 55 years of historic stream ain Bitcoin.

So spell nosotros tin proudly tell "mission accomplished" when it comes to spreading awareness, there's every bit good around information inwards this poll that gives us promise for the adjacent stage - adoption.

21% of people believe cryptocurrencies volition 1 twenty-four hours "be every bit ordinarily used a payment method every bit carte du jour or cash" - that agency spell entirely 7% of people ain it - 3x that sum of people believe inwards it's future.

That's actually something to consider - entirely 1/3 of people who believe inwards Bitcoin's potential bring even therefore to start whatever - that presents a real clear path for strong hereafter growth.

The total survey results tin live found here.

Author: Mark Pippen
London News Desk

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