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Yu Yongding — How Trump Is Helping China

China's leaders convey long known that the economic scheme has outgrown the globe market, together with is desperately inward postulate of rebalancing. But, thank yous to Donald Trump’s merchandise war, they are forthwith pursuing that destination amongst a novel feel of urgency, suggesting that States pressure level may good halt upwards existence a approving inward disguise for China.
Project Syndicate
How Trump Is Helping China
Yu Yongding | formerly president of the Red People's Republic of China Society of World Economics together with manager of the Institute of World Economics together with Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, fellow member the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of Red People's Republic of China from 2004 to 2006 together with fellow member of the Advisory Committee of National Planning of the Commission of National Development together with Reform of the PRC

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