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Yanis Varoufakis - Is Neoliberalism Destroying The World?

Deregulation. Infinite growth. Self-correcting markets. All are hallmarks of neoliberal thinking. But they’re to a greater extent than than but assumptions nigh the economy. They undergird much of the most influential thinking nigh governance right now, together with dominate political together with economical thinking everywhere. The results, according to some, bring been disastrous. Investigative journalist Bruce Livesey asks 4 experts nigh the ascent together with dominion of neoliberal thought, together with what it may hateful for societies unopen to the world.

The term “neoliberalism” is probable to a greater extent than used than understood. But if at its pump it’s the ideology that markets know ameliorate than humans, together with thence its ascension into virtually every sector of club is nearly complete. At to the lowest degree that’s the sentiment of economical historian, Philip Mirowski at the University of Notre Dame. For him, the presidency of Donald Trump represents textbook neoliberalism: privatizing instruction together with wellness care, gutting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) every bit good every bit wellness together with safety, together with nutrient security laws.

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