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Using's Sartre's Critique Of Dialectical Argue For Managerial Decision-Making

Thinking of Sartre, non certain why.
First seen inward 2015's "Existential Questions I Hadn't Considered: 'Is There a Gnawing Ennui Within the Financial Industry?'"

Via SpringerLink:
This article volition offering an choice agreement of managerial decision-making drawing from Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason rather than exactly Being together with Nothingness. I volition start out alongside a brief explanation of Sartre’s concern human relationship of liberty inward Being together with Nothingness. I volition thence present inward the 2nd department how Andrew West uses Sartre’s innovation of radical liberty from Being together with Nothingness for a managerial decision-making model. In the tertiary section, I volition explore a to a greater extent than robust concern human relationship of liberty from Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason. I volition endeavor to present that liberty is non exactly a affair of choosing (or non choosing) to perform an action, but entails external constraints—including other people. Finally, I volition render the implications of this concern human relationship of liberty for managerial decision-making. I volition present that it’s unreasonable to house sum responsibleness and/or blame on managers given their constraints. This does non absolve them from responsibility, but ameliorate accounts for the agency inward which nosotros ought to concord them responsible.
I similar that "including other people" which is of course of written report an homage to 'ol J.P.'s business “L’enfer, c’est les autres” which nosotros concluding visited inward 2017's "David Byrne Has a Theory of An Overarching Agenda In Technology (and Sartre does a driveby)".

All of which is exactly an excuse to vantage whatever reader who has stuck alongside me this far together with revisit a flake of genius:

Le Blog de Jean-Paul Sartre

From the New Yorker:
Saturday, eleven July, 1959: 2:07 A.M.
I am awake together with lonely at ii A.M.
There must hold upward a God. There cannot hold upward a God.
I volition commencement a blog.

Sunday, 12 July, 1959: 9:55 A.M.
An angry crow mocked me this morning. I couldn’t complete my croissant, together with fled the café inward despair.
The crow descended on the croissant, squawking fiercely. Perhaps this was its plan.
Perhaps at that spot is no plan.

Thursday, sixteen July, 1959: 7:45 P.M.
When S. returned this afternoon I asked her where she had been, together with she said she had been inward the street.
“Perhaps,” I said, “that explains why y'all await ‘rue’-ful.”
Her blank stare alone reinforced for me the futility of existence.

Friday, 17 July, 1959: 12:20 P.M.
When S. came through my written report exactly instantly I asked her to hold back a moment.
Rueful,” I told her. “Because ‘rue’ is the French give-and-take for street.”
“What?” she said.
“From yesterday,” I said.
“Oh,” she said. “Yeah. Right.”
“And y'all said y'all had been inward the street.”
“I got it,” she said.
“It was a pun,” I said.
“Got it,” she said. “Puns aren’t your thing, are they?”...

HT: Marginal Revolution

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