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Pepe Escobar — Welcome To The Jungle

[Jair Bolsonaro's] get-go speech communication every mo president exuded the feeling of a trashy jihad yesteryear a fundamentalist sect laced amongst omnipresent vulgarity in addition to the exhortation of a God-given dictatorship every mo the path towards a novel Brazilian Golden Age.

French-Brazilian sociologist Michael Lowy has described the Bolsonaro phenomenon every mo “pathological politics on a large scale”.

His rising was facilitated yesteryear an unprecedented conjunction of toxic factors such every mo the massive social deport on of offense inwards Brazil, leading to a widespread belief inwards tearing repression every mo the exclusively solution; the concerted rejection of the Workers’ Party, catalyzed yesteryear fiscal capital, rentiers, agribusiness in addition to oligarchic interests; an evangelical tsunami; a “justice” organisation historically favoring the upper classes in addition to embedded inwards State Department-funded “training” of judges in addition to prosecutors, including the notorious Sergio Moro, whose single-minded finish during the alleged anti-corruption Car Wash investigation was to mail Lula to prison; in addition to the absolute aversion to republic yesteryear vast sectors of the Brazilian ruling classes.

That is well-nigh to coalesce into a radically anti-popular, God-given, rolling neoliberal shock; paraphrasing Lenin, a representative of fascism every mo the highest phase of neoliberalism. After all, when a fascist sells a “free market” agenda, all his sins are forgiven....
Pepe Escobar is Brazilian.

Consortium News
Pepe Escobar


Anatoly Karlin (Russian in addition to alt-right) has a unlike take.

The Unz Review
Is Bolsonaro an American Stooge?

See also Escobar on the serpent pit.

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