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Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs - Theory Of Human Motivation

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

It was inwards 1943 a Psychologist Mr. Abraham Harold Maslow suggested his Theory of Human Motivation. His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation. Maslow's theory is based on the Hierarchy of Human Needs. According to Maslow, human conduct is related to his needs. It is adjusted as per the nature of needs to live on satisfied. In hierarchy of needs theory, Maslow identified 5 types / sets of human request arranged inwards a hierarchy of their importance as well as priority. He concluded that when i railroad train of needs is satisfied, it ceases to live on a motivating factor. Thereafter, the side past times side railroad train of needs inwards the hierarchy gild takes its place. These needs inwards hierarchy tin live on compared to a pyramid. At the lowest level, in that location volition live on start railroad train of needs which tin live on described as basic needs as well as are universal inwards character. This volition live on followed past times other sets of needs.

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation Assumptions inwards Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslow's Assumptions inwards Hierarchy of Needs Theory are :-

  1. Man is a wanting being, i.e. his wants are growing continuously fifty-fifty when around wants are satisfied. Human needs are of varied as well as diversified nature. They tin live on arranged inwards a hierarchy of importance progressing from a lower to a higher gild of needs.
  2. Needs get got a definite hierarchy of importance. As shortly as needs on a lower marker are fulfilled, those on the side past times side marker volition emerge as well as demand satisfaction. This suggests that breadstuff (food) is essential as well as is a principal request of every individual. According to Maslow, "Man lives past times breadstuff lone when in that location is no bread." However, he feels the other needs when his physiological needs are fulfilled. In brief, breadstuff is of import but human being does non alive past times breadstuff alone. There are other needs (security / safety, social, esteem as well as self actualisation which influence conduct of people (employees) to work. This is the basic characteristic of Maslow's request hierarchy. Attention to all human needs is essential for motivation of employees. Attention to the provision of breadstuff lone is non adequate for motivating employees. Bread tin human activity as motivating ingredient when in that location is no breadstuff but when it is available, its role as motivator comes to an end. Here, other motivators (e.g. security of job, social status, etc.) volition get got to live on introduced for motivating employees. Attention to other needs such as security needs, social needs, esteem needs as well as self actualisation needs is as of import as well as essential for the motivation of unlike categories of employees. Maslow, inwards his theory, has referred to unlike needs as well as suggested that attending needs to live on given to all such needs as attending to physiological needs lone is non adequate for motivating employees. According to Maslow, "Man does non alive past times breadstuff alone". This determination of Maslow is a practical reality as well as needs to live on given adequate attending field motivating employees.
  3. A satisfied request does non human activity as a motivator.
  4. As i request is satisfied, around other replaces it.

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs

Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs is shown inwards the next diagram.

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation

The Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs is explained below :-

  1. Physiological Needs : Physiological needs are the basic needs for sustaining human life. These needs include food, shelter, clothing, rest, air, water, slumber as well as sexual satisfaction. These basic human needs (also called biological needs) prevarication at the lowest marker inwards the hierarchy of needs as they get got priority over all other needs. These needs cannot live on postponed for long. Unless as well as until these basic physiological needs are satisfied to the required extent, other needs create non motivate an employee. H5N1 hungry person, for example, is simply non inwards a seat to intend of anything else except his hunger or food. According to Maslow, 'man lives past times breadstuff alone,' when in that location is no bread. The management attempts to take in such physiological needs through fair wages.
  2. Security / Safety Needs : These are the needs connected with the psychological fearfulness of loss of job, property, natural calamities or hazards, etc. An employee wants protection from such types of fear. He prefers adequate security or security inwards this regard i.e. protection from physical danger, security of job, pension for quondam age, insurance encompass for life, etc. The security needs come upward later on coming together the physiological needs. Such physiological needs lose their motivational potential when they are satisfied. As a result, security needs supervene upon them. They laid about to manifest themselves as well as dominate human behavior. Safety needs human activity as motivational forces only if they are unsatisfied.
  3. Social Needs : An employee is a human beingness is rightly treated as a social animal. He desires to remain inwards group. He feels that he should belong to i or the other grouping as well as the fellow member of the grouping should convey him with honey as well as affection. Every mortal desires to live on affiliated to such groups. This is treated as basic social request of an individual. He likewise feels that he should live on loved past times the other members. He needs friends as well as interaction with his friends as well as superiors of the grouping such as swain employees or superiors. Social needs occupy 3rd seat inwards the hierarchy of needs.
  4. Esteem Needs : This category of needs include the request to live on respected past times others, request to live on appreciated past times others, request to get got mightiness as well as in conclusion prestigious position. Once the previous needs are satisfied, a mortal feels to live on held inwards esteem both past times himself as well as likewise past times others. Thus, esteem needs are ii crimp inwards nature. Self esteem needs include those for self confidence, self-respect, competence, etc. The minute groups of esteem needs are those related to one's status, reputation, recognition as well as appreciation past times others. This is a type of personal ego which needs to live on satisfied. The Organisation tin satisfy this request (ego) past times giving recognition to the proficient operate of employees. Esteem needs create non assume the motivational properties unless the previous needs are satisfied.
  5. Self-actualisation Needs : This is the highest alongside the needs inwards the hierarchy of needs advocated past times Maslow. Self actualisation is the wish to locomote what i is capable of becoming. It is a 'growth' need. H5N1 worker must operate efficiently if he is to live on ultimately happy. Here, a mortal feels that he should accomplish something inwards his fife. He wish to employ his potentials to the maximum extent as well as desires to locomote what i is capable of becoming. H5N1 mortal desires to get got challenges as well as achieves something exceptional inwards his life or inwards the expanse of his specialization. Though every i is capable of self-actualization, many create non make this stage. This request is fully satisfied rarely.

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation Limitations of Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslow's theory of motivation (Hierarchy of Needs Theory) is really pop all over the basis as well as provides guidelines to managers / managements for motivating employees. However, Maslow's theory has many limitations.

Limitations of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory are noted below :-

  1. Maslow's theory is over simplified as well as is based on human needs only. There is lack of straight drive as well as consequence human relationship betwixt request as well as behavior.
  2. The theory has to refer to other motivating factors similar expectations, experience as well as perception.
  3. Needs of all employees are non uniform. Many are satisfied only with physiological needs as well as security of employment.
  4. The designing of hierarchy of needs as suggested past times Maslow may non live on applicable uniformly to all categories of employees.
  5. Maslow's supposition of 'need hierarchy' does non concord proficient inwards the nowadays historic catamenia as each mortal has enough of needs to live on satisfied, which may non necessarily follow Maslow's request hierarchy.
  6. Maslow's theory is widely accepted but in that location is piddling empirical prove to back upward it. It is largely tentative as well as untested. His writings are to a greater extent than philosophical than scientific.

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation Importance of Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Although Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory has been criticised on higher upward grounds, even as well as thence it holds many advantages or merits. It helps the managers to empathise the behaviour of their employees. It likewise helps the managers to render the correct fiscal as well as non-financial motivation to their employees. This overall helps to growth the efficiency, productivity as well as profitability of the organisation.

 His theory is i pop as well as extensively cited theory of motivation Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Theory of Human Motivation Video on Maslow's Theory of Motivation

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