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Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 1. Meaning of Leadership.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing. It is the liveliest chemical component inward the management process. It initiates actions to interpret the decisions into concrete actions. Managers receive got to Pb their subordinates through guiding too motivating. Leading involves directing, influencing too motivating employees to perform essential tasks.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories

Every managing director has to deed equally a leader inward his expanse of operation. This agency he has to guide, instruct, Pb too motivate his subordinates then equally to exercise their skills, efficiency, capacity etc. for the practise goodness of his Organisation. He has to influence the deportment of his subordinates too acquire the piece of occupation done through their collective efforts. Leadership qualities are required inward monastic tell to conduct diverse managerial functions effectively. Each too every grouping of people engaged inward a item activity needs a leader inward monastic tell to guide, co-ordinate too command their efforts. In this sense, leadership is required for the conduct of economic, social, political or cultural activities. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 college principal, secretarial assistant of a co-operative company or of a sports gild or cultural association deed equally leaders inward their respective fields. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, John F. Kennedy are basis known political leaders piece Henry Ford, J. R. D. Tata too S. L. Kirloskar are known leaders inward the concern world. Here, nosotros are concerned only alongside the managerial leadership. Managerial leadership is that component of a manager's activities past times which he influences the deportment of his subordinates towards a desired objectives or results.

Leadership is followership. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adept leader leads but does non push. Effective leadership tin guide a grouping towards for certain ideals without exerting much force. Managers who possess the character of guiding too directing the subordinates nether inspired impulses tin endure called concern leaders. Leadership is concerned alongside getting results through people too implies the Organisation of staff into productive teams, groups too departments. Leadership entrails the creation of human structures, their motivation too direction; the resolution of conflicts at the workplace, creating vision for the entire concern too providing resources inward back upwardly of this.

Manager tin perform diverse managerial functions to a greater extent than effectively past times providing proper leadership to his subordinates. This makes leadership an inevitable aspect of management procedure itself. Leadership is essential for the success too stability of a concern enterprise. Managers possessing leadership qualities are called concern leaders.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 2. Definitions of Leadership.

  1. According to Koontz too O'Donnell, "Leadership is the might of a managing director to cause subordinates (followers) to piece of occupation alongside confidence too zeal."
  2. According to George Terry, "Leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive for mutual objectives."
  3. According to Peter Drucker, "Leadership is the shifting of own's vision to higher sights, the raising of man's performance to higher standards, the edifice of man's personality beyond its normal limitations."

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 3. Characteristics of Leadership.

  1. Involves guiding too motivating : Leadership is a managerial procedure of guiding too motivating the subordinates for achieving organizational goals/objectives. For motivating, communicating is necessary. Leadership is described equally an fine art of influencing too inspiring subordinates to perform their duties efficiently.
  2. Needs subordinates too mutual interests : It pre-supposes the beingness of subordinates. There must endure mutual involvement for the leader too his followers due to which they cooperate too participate for achieving mutual objectives.
  3. Promotes involvement inward the piece of occupation : The purpose of leadership is to influence, motivate too encourage subordinates to convey active involvement inward the piece of occupation assigned too give the best results.
  4. Needs back upwardly from all : The leader must recognize the presence of all employees irrespective of their position. The leader cannot acquire successful unless he obtains back upwardly from all.
  5. Influences subordinates through personal qualities : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 leader understands the problems of his subordinates too influences them past times his personal qualities.
  6. Dynamic too continuous procedure : Leadership is a dynamic too continuous process. It is a regular activity of guiding too motivating subordinates for improving their performance too contribution towards organizational objectives.
  7. Leadership is situational : An ideal leadership is ever situational. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 leader has to written report the prevailing province of affairs too furnish appropriate leadership to his subordinates.
  8. Assumes obligation : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 leader ever inspires followers. In the trial of failure, he does non shift the responsibleness to his subordinates but accepts his personal weaknesses inward performance. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 leader leads past times setting adept example.
  9. Needs interaction alongside followers : The objective of the leader too his subordinates should endure the same. If the leader attempts for i purpose too his subordinates for some other purpose, it is no leadership. Their involvement must endure identical.
  10. Achievement of objectives : The success of a leader largely depends on his might to accomplish organizational objectives. When a leader fails to attain the objectives, he is of no utility to the management.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 4. Qualities of a Good Leader / Leadership Qualities.

A leader needs audio wellness too physical capacity to perform his functions or duties assigned inward an efficient manner. In improver to physical qualities, an ideal leader needs for certain qualities of caput too heart. The primary qualities include Personal Traits too Managerial Traits which are shown inward the next chart:

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 5. Styles of Leadership.

There are dissimilar styles of leadership. This classification is based on the methods used past times the leaders.

Edwin Flippo has defined leadership trend equally "a pattern of deportment designed to integrate organizational too personal involvement inward pursuit of some objectives."

Basically, the styles of leadership tin endure divided into 2 broad groups. These are: (a) Task-oriented styles, too (b) People-oriented styles.

  1. In the chore oriented styles of leadership, to a greater extent than importance is given to getting the piece of occupation done past times subordinates. Task-oriented leaders are interested inward the completion of piece of occupation too practise non give importance/attention to subordinates or their desires, interests too then on. Dictatorial leader too autocratic leader are the examples of this category.
  2. People-oriented trend of leadership is basically democratic. Here, the leader gives importance to the interests, thoughts, problems, etc. of subordinates. He tries to accomplish objectives alongside their back upwardly too co-operation. Participative or democratic leader comes nether this category.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 6. Theories of Leadership.

  1. Trait Approach Theory (The Traits Approach),
  2. Behavioral Approach Theory, and
  3. Contingency / Situational Approach Theory.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 7. Trait Approach Theory (The Traits Approach).

The traits approach theory was i of the starting fourth dimension attempts to explicate the leadership based on personal traits. Traits are inborn or acquired personal qualities of an individual. They include physical qualities too the qualities of caput too heart.

Traits theory refers to for certain traits/characteristics which separate leaders from non-leaders. Such traits enable some to ascension higher upwardly their followers.

The basic traits useful for leadership include height, energy, looks, noesis too intelligence, imagination, self-confidence, integrity, fluency of speech, mental balance, enthusiasm, courage, sociability, too friendliness too then on.

According to the traits theory, an private possessing such traits is usually able to influence others too gets the status of a leader. This suggests that a leader is quite dissimilar from an average soul inward regard to personal qualities such equally intelligence, perseverance too overall personality including physical features.

The traits theory suggests that leaders are higher upwardly the followers inward regard to personal traits. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fair combination of such traits makes them influential too impressive equally compared to others.

Traits theory indirectly supports the persuasion that leaders are born too non made. Researchers receive got suggested dissimilar traits of leaders. Such traits are like to physical, psychological, mental, intellectual too other qualities which are ordinarily treated equally essential inward the instance of an ideal leader. It may endure noted that some traits are innate piece some others tin endure acquired through exceptional efforts.

The traits theory is based on the personal qualities (inborn/acquired) of an individual. Such qualities play a positive role inward edifice leadership. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 soul becomes leader due to such traits. The theory is based solely on personal traits too their contribution inward developing leadership.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 7.1 Limitations of Traits Approach Theory / Criticism of Traits Theory.

  1. Examples of leaders without for certain traits are mutual : According to this theory, leadership is based on for certain traits such equally personality, intelligence, self-confidence, courage too then on. However, it is real hard to observe out a item leadership trait inward the greatest leaders of the world. Some known basis leaders receive got had quite dissimilar traits. People alongside express education, express preparation too without good developed personality receive got proved to endure cracking leaders. History is total of such examples of leaders.
  2. Traits are non absolutely essential for leadership : As per the theory, many traits are desirable inward the instance of leaders. However, none seems to endure absolutely essential. Many leaders are extremely pop fifty-fifty without for certain useful traits.
  3. Situational aspect is ignored : The theory fails to convey into consideration the province of affairs inside which the leaders receive got to function. There are instances inward which a leader is successful inward i province of affairs but may non endure inward some other fifty-fifty when traits are same on both the occasions. For example, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of England too was equally good state of war hero during the Second World War but was defeated inward the full general elections nether novel province of affairs i.e., subsequently the terminate of World War II.
  4. No reference to essential qualities : The theory fails to give the listing of essential qualities (innate too acquired) required for leadership purpose.
  5. Superiority is non clearly stated : The theory states that a leader has superior personal traits equally compared to his followers. However, the nature or extent of superiority is non given inward a clear manner.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 8. Behavioural Approach Theory.

The behavioral approach theory is an extension of the traits theory too is superior inward for certain respects. The traits theory failed to explicate what caused effective leadership. The behavioral approach is based on the written report of deportment of a leader.

Leadership grows/develops non past times traits but past times the acts or sense of a person. The behavioral theory is based on the supposition that leaders are non born but they develop gradually past times sense too maturity. The attending is given to what leaders practise (i.e., their behavior) rather than to what they are. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 leader learns novel traits through his sense (behavior or acts). The focus point, here, is on what the leader does piece leading.

This behavioral theory suggests that a leader practise non deport inward the same way nether all situations. Similarly, his actions are non identical nether all situations which he faces. He adjusts his deportment equally per the demand of the situation. There is an chemical component of flexibility inward his approach too behavior. He studies the province of affairs too adjust his leadership trend accordingly. He adopts dissimilar leadership styles to encounter the demand of dissimilar situations.

The most pop behavioral theories are:

  1. Douglas McGregor's Theory 'X' too Theory 'Y', too
  2. Dr. Rensis Likert's Four Management Systems.

The behavioral approach theory is practical inward nature. It gives to a greater extent than attending to acts too deportment of a soul too non to the personal traits. Leadership develops past times sense too non past times inborn traits. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 leader has to acquire for certain qualities past times sense only.

Like the traits theory, the behavioral approach oversimplifies the complexities of the leadership process. However, the behavioral approach is responsible for the evolution of a classification of leadership styles which has provided managers suitable opportunities to secure greater insight into their ain behavior.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 9. Contingency / Situational Approach Theory or Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory.

Situational/Contingency Theory is a novel improver to the existing theories of leadership. It is a combination of dissimilar leadership styles such equally autocratic, democratic too then on. An ideal leader studies the overall prevailing situation, draws conclusions almost the whole province of affairs too adopts the leadership trend which is most appropriate to the prevailing situation. He is non concerned alongside i specific leadership trend but volition exercise whatsoever trend equally per the available situation. He is interested inward achieving his objectives too is willing to exercise suitable agency for this purpose. Sometimes he may endure democratic but may endure autocratic on some other occasions. "Different strokes for dissimilar folks" is his leadership approach. He volition consider the grouping of employees (skilled, unskilled, supervisory, etc.) to endure handled too adjust his leadership trend accordingly. He volition non exercise i leadership trend for controlling/motivating all categories of employees. On the other hand, he volition endure democratic alongside some categories of employees too autocratic alongside the employees working at the other level. In other words, adjusting the leadership trend equally per the demand of the province of affairs or equally per the grouping of employees/subordinates to endure handled is the essence of situational leadership style. In brief, he studies the province of affairs too adjust his leadership trend accordingly. He adopts a practical approach inward monastic tell to acquire his piece of occupation done i.e. achievement of organizational objectives. In brief, inward the situational leadership style, the leader adopts practical too flexible approach inward decision-making. This is the essence of situational/contingency theory or approach.

Contingency approach concludes that at that spot is no "one best style" of leadership nether all conditions. Efficient leadership trend varies alongside situations too an efficient leader is i who studies the prevailing province of affairs too finds out the leadership trend which would endure most suitable for the given situation. This is natural equally a uncomplicated cookbook approach for selecting the best leadership trend does non exist. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adept leader has to written report the province of affairs too adjust his leadership trend accordingly. Here, the focus is on the province of affairs too non on the personal qualities too deportment of a leader.

Situational leadership trend is flexible/adjustable too is ordinarily to a greater extent than effective equally compared to other types of leadership. The situational theory of leadership was developed past times Hersey too Blanchrd at the Centre for Leadership Studies inward Ohio State University.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 9.1 Important Features of Situational Leadership.

  1. Situational leadership is novel improver to the existing styles of leadership.
  2. An ideal leader (according to this theory) studies the overall situation, draws conclusions too adopts the leadership trend which is most appropriate to the prevailing situation. This is the essence of situational leadership theory.
  3. The best leadership trend according to this theory is situational.
  4. An ideal leader is i who tin adjust his trend of functioning equally per the province of affairs inside which he has to operate. This agency the internal too external surroundings to the enterprise.
  5. A leader may deed equally a dictator at i fourth dimension too equally good equally a democratic leader on some other occasion. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adept leader is i who studies the province of affairs around him too adopts the most suitable leadership style.
  6. A situational leadership is a combination of all types of leadership.
  7. A situational leader knows dissimilar leadership styles but selects i item style, which is most, appropriate to a given situation/environment.
  8. A situational leader adopts flexible approach inward his trend of functioning. This makes his leadership effective too result-oriented. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 situational leader knows when to exercise autocratic trend too when to exercise democratic style. He makes corresponding adjustment inward his style. This makes him effective/successful equally a leader.

The situational theory suggests that a manager's leadership trend should vary alongside the situation. This leadership model is uncomplicated too appealing. However, it ignores several other critical elements that decide leadership trend too it does non receive got a broad accepted enquiry base. Inspite of the limitations, this leadership model achieved considerable popularity too equally good awakened many managers to the thought of contingency approaches to leadership style.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 9.2 Merits of Situational Leadership.

  1. The situational leadership theory is a practical i too is based on existent facts of life. The best leadership trend is situational.
  2. The situational theory has universal acceptance.
  3. It focuses attending non on the personality of the leader, but on the personality of the Organisation equally a whole.
  4. The situational leadership theory is flexible too adaptable. It tin operate inward whatsoever trend (autocratic, democratic, etc.) equally per the demand of the situation.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 9.3 Limitations of Situational Leadership.

  1. In situational leadership, to a greater extent than importance is given to the province of affairs too less to personal traits. Leadership should involve both traits too situations. However, the theory gives importance to province of affairs only.
  2. The theory offers an incomplete explanation of the leadership process.

Leading is i of import business office of management only adjacent to planning too organizing Managerial Leadership - Leader Qualities - Leadership Theories 10. Question Bank On Leadership.

  1. What is leadership? Explain its functions.
  2. Explain the importance of or role of leadership inward business.
  3. State too explicate the qualities of a adept leader.
  4. "Best type of leadership is situational" Explain.
  5. Write brusk notes on:
    • Blanchard’s situational leadership theory
    • Qualities of an ideal leader
    • Leadership is situational

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