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Frederick Herzbergs 2 Element Theory - Motivation Hygiene

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene1. Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation

Frederick Herzberg's theory of motivation is equally good called 'Two Factor Theory', 'Dual Factor Theory' together with 'Hygiene / Maintenance Theory of Motivation'. This theory is based on the information collected yesteryear him together with his associates (in the USA inward 1959) yesteryear interviewing 2 hundred engineers together with accountants. The information collected relates to the mental attitude of people towards work. This mental attitude towards operate depends on 2 sets of factors namely hygiene or maintenance factors together with the motivating factors.

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene2. Hygiene Factors of Two Factor Theory

According to Frederick Herzberg, the Hygiene Factors practice piffling contribution to furnish chore satisfaction. He called them "dissatisfiers' equally their absence campaign dissatisfaction but their presence is non motivating but alone foreclose dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors encounter man's needs to avoid unpleasantness but practice non motivate them to conduct hold to a greater extent than involvement inward the work. Hygiene factors (when provided) practice a favorable environs for motivation together with prevents chore dissatisfaction. They are non an intrinsic business office of a job, but they are related to the weather condition nether which a chore is performed. When employer is unable to furnish plenty of these factors to his employees, at that spot volition live chore dissatisfaction. However, if they are provided, they volition non necessarily deed equally motivators. They volition merely Pb employees to sense no chore dissatisfaction. Such hygiene factors are equally noted below.

Hygiene / Maintenance Factors are :-

  1. Company's Policies together with Administration,
  2. Supervision,
  3. Working Conditions,
  4. Interpersonal Relations amongst superiors together with other subordinates,
  5. Salary,
  6. Job Security,
  7. Status,
  8. Personal Life, and
  9. Employee Benefits.

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene3. Motivating Factors of Two Factor Theory

Motivating Factors deed equally forces of job satisfaction. They practice positive together with a longer lasting resultant on employee’s surgical physical care for together with are related to operate itself. Adequate provision of such factors called are 'Satisfiers'. They brand people happy amongst their jobs because they serve man's basic needs for psychological growth. In addition, they equally good motivate employees inward their work. Such factors are 5 together with are called motivators yesteryear Herzberg. The motivating factors are:

Motivating Factors are :-

  1. Achievement,
  2. Recognition for Accomplishment,
  3. Increased Responsibility,
  4. Opportunity for Growth together with Development, and
  5. Creative together with Challenging Work.

Motivating factors motivate subordinates to conduct hold to a greater extent than involvement inward the work. They enhance efficiency together with productivity of employees. According to Frederick Herzberg, motivating factors are essential inward fellowship to furnish chore satisfaction together with inward fellowship to keep a high score of chore performance. Employees volition non conduct hold chore satisfaction if the motivating factors are non provided inward sufficient lineament yesteryear the employer.

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene

According to Frederick Herzberg, these 2 sets of factors are quite independent of each other. It may live noted that hygiene factors, when satisfied, tend to eliminate dissatisfaction but practice non motivate an private employee for improve performance. The motivating factors volition let an private to grow together with railroad train inward a natural way. In brief, hygiene factors touching on an individual's willingness to operate piece motivating factors touching on his mightiness together with efficiency to work. This theory tin flame live compared to Maslow's theory of human needs equally both the theories refer to needs together with their purpose inward motivation. In addition, the assumptions inward both the theories are identical.

Frederick Herzberg's theory has many limitations. They are related to inquiry methodology used, empirical validity together with assumptions inward the theory. His theory is criticized on many grounds. Many conduct hold flora the theory to live an oversimplification. Despite such criticism, Herzberg's 2 component theory has made a pregnant contribution towards improving manager's basic agreement of human behaviour. His theory is uncomplicated to grasp, based on unopen to empirical information together with guides managers to improve employee motivation. Herzberg provided stimulus to other researchers to railroad train option theories of motivation.

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene4. Compare Maslow together with Herzberg Theory

Distinction betwixt Maslow together with Herzberg's Theory of Motivation.

 Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human Motivation Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor Theory - Motivation Hygiene

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