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Critiquing Behavioural Economics

From the weblog of Jason Collins:

Robert Sugden’s The Community of Advantage: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Behavioural Economist’s Defence of the Market
There are few books critiquing behavioural economic science that I discovery compelling. David Levine’s Behavioral Finance at The World's First Stock Exchange
Nobel Laureate Richard H. Thaler on the End of Behavioral Finance
Investing: "Have the Behaviorists Gone Too Far?"
Nudge This: "The Internet of Things Will Be a Giant Persuasion Machine"
Nudge This: "Yes, You’re Irrational, in addition to Yes, That’s OK"
Nudge This: "The Algorithmic Self"
Behavior: We Are More Rational Than Those who Try To 'Nudge' Us
Cass Sunstein in addition to the The Storrs Lectures at Yale: Behavioral Economics in addition to Paternalism

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