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Zero Hedge — Trump Does 180 Shift On Syria: Authorities Modify Dorsum On The Table

Will the state of war inwards Syrian Arab Republic never end? Will the international proxy state of war in addition to stand-off betwixt Russia, the United States, Iran, in addition to State of Israel precisely buy the farm on to drift on, fueling Syria's fires for withal to a greater extent than years to come?  It appears then according to an exclusive Washington Post report which says that President Trump has expressed a wish for consummate 180 policy shift on Syria
Only months agone the president expressed a wish "to instruct out" and trace the over 2,000 publicly acknowledged American armed services personnel from the country; but now, the novel study finds, Trump has approved "an indefinite armed services in addition to diplomatic endeavor inwards Syria"....
Zero Hedge
Trump Does 180 Shift On Syria: Regime Change Back On The Table
Tyler durden

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