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Tom Luongo — Trump Folds On Nordstream Ii Because … Logic

Since its get-go annunciation I bring been convinced the Nordstream 2 pipeline would live built. I bring followed every twist of this flush from my days writing for Newsmax.
And the argue for my confidence tin live summed upwardly inwards 1 word. Money. 
Nordstream 2 merely makes besides much economical feel for whatsoever amount of political whining from the U.S. as well as Poland to halt it. Poland has no ability inside the European Union.
Germany does. And spell I’m no fan of Angela Merkel getting precisely about other political weapon to tally over the heads of the Poles, their attempts to derail the projection were e'er going to halt inwards tears for them.
And as well as thence at in 1 lawsuit Poland as well as the U.S. cried a lot of crocodile tears late when President Trump lastly acceded to reality as well as ended the threat of sanctioning 5 of the biggest fossil oil majors inwards the footing over doing describe of piece of occupation organisation amongst Gazprom over Nordstream 2.
Nordstream 2’s investors are Uniper, OMV, Wintershall, Royal Dutch Shell as well as Eni. After all the permits were issued as well as structure begun the solely matter that could halt Nordstream from happening was these 5 companies folding to U.S. pressure level as well as backing out of the projection past times calling inwards their loans to Gazprom.
And when they were unwilling to practise that, Trump had to crimp because you lot can’t cutting these companies out of the western banking organisation as well as starve them of dollars as well as euros without an extreme dislocation inwards fossil oil prices as well as global trade.
Bluff called. Nordstream 2? Holding Aces.
Trump? Holding two-seven offsuit....
The whole post service follows inwards this vein. Good read.

Gold, Goats & Guns
Trump Folds on Nordstream 2 Because … Logic

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