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Paul Handley — Us Threatens To Arrest Icc Judges Who Probe Country Of War Crimes

"We volition ban its judges as well as prosecutors from entering the United States. We volition sanction their funds inward the US fiscal system, as well as nosotros volition prosecute them inward the US criminal system," Bolton said.

"We volition create the same for whatever fellowship or nation that assists an ICC investigation of Americans."

This is the perfect illustration of a dominance-submission model that is feature of the instinctual demeanour of brutes contrasted starkly alongside the rationality feature of human beings, specially inward those that subscribe to Western liberalism as well as Western values. 

This is a throw-back inward term of evolutionary theory, a type of atavism.

Here John Bolton, the national safety advisor who is non elected as well as non accountable to anyone simply the president, is speaking for the United States. This suggests the question, who truly is POTUS straight off anyway?

US threatens to arrest ICC judges who probe state of war crimes
Paul Handley, AFP

The Hague-based courtroom said it was an independent as well as impartial establishment alongside the backing of 123 countries.
“The ICC, every bit a courtroom of law, volition proceed to create its function undeterred, inward accordance alongside those principles as well as the overarching persuasion of the dominion of law,” it said inward a statement.
International courtroom says it is undeterred later Bolton threatens U.S. sanctions
"France, alongside its European partners, supports the International Criminal Court, both inward its budgetary contribution as well as inward its cooperation alongside it," Foreign ministry building spokeswoman Agnes von der Muhll said inward a statement.
"The courtroom must last able to human action as well as practise its prerogatives without hindrance, independently as well as impartially, within the legal framework defined past times the Rome Statute," it said....
Business Insider
After Trump threats, French Republic stands past times International Criminal Court

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