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Pam In Addition To Russ Martens — Kavanaugh Hearing: Yes, There’S A Conspiracy; Exactly It’S Non Coming From Dems

The front end groups that bespeak hold been funded for decades yesteryear billionaires Charles together with David Koch, bulk owners of the fossil fuels conglomerate, Koch Industries, are determined to position Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court because he has demonstrated a willingness to write decisions favorable to gutting regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. Whether Kavanaugh has a history of sexual assaults is irrelevant to that agenda.
As late equally concluding evening, a dark money grouping that keeps its donors a hush-hush from the American people, the Judicial Crisis Network, continued running its multi-million dollar promotion crusade on idiot box inwards back upward of Kavanaugh. This week, its Chief Counsel, Carrie Severino, has made the rounds on cable tidings shows calling the women’s allegations a smear campaign. The Judicial Crisis Network has been running these ads since July together with says it is prepared to pass upwards of $10 1000000 to confirm Kavanaugh. When it takes that sort of an endeavor to confirm a justice, you lot know something is seriously wrong. In 2016, only ane unmarried anonymous donor contributed a stunning $28.5 1000000 to the Wellspring Committee, roughly other nighttime coin grouping that funnels the volume of its coin to the Judicial Crisis Network. (See our prior reporting here.)
As I bespeak hold said, the gender activity scandal is a canard compared alongside the hidden agenda.

Wall Street On Parade
Kavanaugh Hearing: Yes, There’s a Conspiracy; But It’s Not Coming from Dems
Pam Martens together with Russ Martens

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