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Pam As Well As Russ Martens — The Kavanaugh Nomination’S Coin Trail Leads Dorsum To Clarence Thomas

Dark coin together with conflict of involvement on SCOTUS.

Sex scandal is simply a canard. The existent issues enter deeper.

Not that the sexual practice scandal is immaterial. In fact, the GOP seems to accept decided it doesn't necessitate educated white women afterwards having previously decided that it doesn't necessitate college-educated white males together with non-whites. The "Big Tent" has narrowed to not-college white males together with Evangelicals.

Wall Street On Parade
The Kavanaugh Nomination’s Money Trail Leads Back to Clarence Thomas
Pam Martens together with Russ Martens

See also
As expected, the corporate media’s coverage of Brett Kavanaugh’s engagement procedure is disappointingly superficial. While there’s no incertitude sexual harassment is a pressing upshot inward modern-day America, left-leaning institution outlets together with individuals alike are mired inward these accusations, equally good equally partisan political divides equally they neglect to recognize Kavanaugh’s really troublesome tape of courtroom rulings—rulings that demo his verifiable proclivity toward using the regime to really literally harass the American people together with the residuum of the world.
While Congress together with the people bicker over their disagreements amongst Kavanaugh equally he testifies, few are discussing what he has inward mutual amongst both factions of the American ruling class....
The article makes 1 wonder, is Kavanaugh a proto-fascist, equally the the States appears to move sliding downwardly the slippery gradient since 9/11?

Mint Press News
What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Brett Kavanaugh
Carey Wedler

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