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More On Novichok - Skripal

'Ex-GRU officer', Ivan Tarasov, claims that the Skripal upshot was too amateurish to accept been the function of a professional.

Ivan Tarasov told Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda paper that professionals would accept done it 'quietly, without fuss, too brought him to Russian Federation inward a mail bag, too no ane would accept known where he had gone'.

Photos of the novichok suspects, Alexander Petrov too Ruslan Boshirov,  only look at the photo-shopped images, encounter the blurry bits. But in that place is no sign of whatever snowfall that striking Salisbury at that time.

Below is a released photograph of the alleged assassins, only hold off at the fourth dimension stamp, shouldn't mortal accept told the British government that the Skripals went to infirmary on the 4-3-18? In the UK of Britain too Northern Republic of Ireland the that agency day/month/year. 

The novischok suspects passing through the gates at Gatwick Airport, only at identically the same fourth dimension to the real second. These spooks are clever. 

The novischok suspects having a twenty-four hr menstruum out inward Salisbury. Well, mightiness every bit good larn a chip of sight seeing inward before getting downwardly to business. 

Credits to Aangirfan. 

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