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Media—Amazon Wants To Piece Of Job Digital Advertising In Addition To Subscriptions For Newspapers

Maybe non AMZN directly, exactly the lines of distinction betwixt Bezos, Amazon, in addition to the WaPo are real faint-to-nonexistant except for the legal fictions.

H5N1 deep dive from NiemanLab, Sept. 25:

Newsonomics: The Washington Post’s ambitions for Arc convey grown — to a Bezosian scale
It is increasingly the tech stack of pick for major tidings publishers. But at nowadays Arc wants to hold out the backbone of your digital advertising in addition to subscriptions, too.
In the blink of a digital era, The Washington Post’s Arc publishing platform has sprinted from an experiment to a full-on strategic business.

Arc is at nowadays used past times to a greater extent than than xxx clients operating to a greater extent than than 100 sites on 4 continents. It’s non the manufacture standard, exactly it’s non besides early on to telephone weep upwards it an manufacture standard. But its ambitions are nevertheless nowhere close met. Now the Post is moving Arc into a novel phase, talking of a connection upshot that could touching on the seem upwards of the work organisation formerly known equally “newspapering.”

Arc wants to hold out to a greater extent than than a applied scientific discipline stack — it wants to hold out a network.

“Arc is reaching a critical volume of nearly of the advertising markets inwards the United States, the major markets,” Shailesh Prakash, principal production in addition to information officeholder for the Post, told me recently, listing off cities where it has customers — New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Dallas, Washington.

How create publishers traditionally brand money? Two ways: from advertisers in addition to from readers. Arc has plans to hold out a histrion inwards both for tidings sites to a greater extent than or less the province in addition to to a greater extent than or less the world.
First, ads: The Post volition laid out testing an advertising network based to a greater extent than or less Arc clients inwards 2019. “We’ve got this applied scientific discipline nosotros telephone weep upwards "UK's News Media Association says Google in addition to Facebook should fund the journalism from which they profit"
"Amazon staff said to hold out taking bribes to leak data" (AMZN)

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