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Media Matters - Lookout Adult Man A Trick Panel Perish Speechless Later A Invitee Defends Universal Basic Income

This is funny, Felix Salmon argues for the Basic Income on Fox News. Felix Salmon is in addition to thus casual.

Transcript - But the video is better.

STUART VARNEY (HOST): Felix Salmon is amongst us, he is the principal fiscal correspondent at Axios, in addition to he knows a thing or 2 almost social networks in addition to regulations. Good morning, Felix.
FELIX SALMON (AXIOS): And fifty-fifty universal basic income, which is a non bad idea, I'm all inward favor of that.
VARNEY: What? You don't believe that.
SALMON: If Mike Huckabee truly wants to own got people from poverty in addition to pose them into work, if y'all hold off at the actual prove --
SALMON: Giving people guaranteed coin increases the probability that they'll uncovering a job.
VARNEY: You've got a British accent. Are y'all an Englishman?
VARNEY: What the devil's going on where the Brits export their socialists over here?
SALMON: Well, they're exporting all of their people because it's falling into the ocean because they left the E.U.
VARNEY: What are y'all thinking? You back upwards a universal basic income system?
SALMON: Maybe non universal, but sure enough for people inward poverty.
VARNEY: Wildly expensive. Free money, for God's sake.
SALMON: Free coin is awesome. The best means to larn people out of poverty is to give them money.
VARNEY: Do y'all pay tax?
VARNEY: You'd own got no objection to your revenue enhancement coin going to people, free, produce what y'all similar amongst it, here's a transfer, merely produce it.
SALMON: Yeah, unconditional cash transfers, yeah, they're incredibly powerful.
VARNEY: You similar this?
VARNEY: How long are y'all going to hold upwards inward America for?
SALMON: I'm a citizen now.
VARNEY: You're a citizen? So y'all vote?
SALMON: I'm going to, yes.
WEBSTER: But didn't they endeavour this inward Republic of Finland in addition to it roughshod apart? They've yanked it, it didn't work, it was no incentive to boot the bucket in addition to work.
ELIZABETH MACDONALD (FOX BUSINESS): Because it was in addition to thus costly.
SALMON: That was non the reason.
MACDONALD: It was the reason, because it was in addition to thus costly.
SALMON: The toll was the reason, but the move incentive truly played out. You current of air upwards working more, in addition to existence healthier, in addition to having healthier kids who boot the bucket to schoolhouse more, those findings, peculiarly -- is stronger inward places similar sub-Saharan Africa, where y'all tin flame run into the differences laissez passer on much to a greater extent than rapidly. But there's a proficient illustration to hold upwards made that it happens inward all countries. It happens inward Alaska, Alaska is a Republican state, in addition to they give everyone an unconditional cheque every year.
MACDONALD: That's a dividend out of the crude supplies.
VARNEY: That's from the dividend from the oil, it's got null to produce amongst universal basic income for heaven's sake.
SALMON: It's universal income.
VARNEY: Are y'all a socialist?
VARNEY: What are you?
SALMON: Maybe.
VARNEY: Way left of center? Did y'all declare that when y'all came to America in addition to became a citizen?
SALMON: They asked me if I had or had e'er been a fellow member of the Communist Party, in addition to I had not.
VARNEY: And y'all had not.
SALMON: I had not.
VARNEY: So you're off the hook.
SALMON: Exactly.
VARNEY: You tin flame hold upwards a socialist on television, but y'all don't tell the immigration regime almost it.
SALMON: Now it's every bit good belatedly now, I'm a citizen.
VARNEY: Our viewers are non going to hold upwards rattling happy almost this.
SALMON: They should hold upwards because it's complimentary money. Who doesn't similar complimentary money?
MACDONALD: Taxpayers don't, they own got to pay for it.
VARNEY: The people handing it out. People similar me.
SALMON: Well, y'all own got every bit good much.
VARNEY: Oh. You've done it now. You've truly done it now. I gotta motion away to something else. Get off my set.

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