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Links — 27 September 2018

Craig Murray Blog
“Boshirov” is likely non “Chepiga”. But he is also non “Boshirov”.
Craig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan as well as Rector of the University of Dundee

Peddling certainty
Paul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public as well as International Affairs at the University of Ottawa

The National Interest
Trump Should Let South as well as Democratic People's South Korea Build Peace
Daniel R. DePetris

Poll: Majority of Republicans desire Brett Kavanaugh confirmed fifty-fifty if assail accusations are true
Matthew Rosza

The Supreme Court Nominee Is the Most Important Issue Ahead of Midterms, Voters Say
Renae Reints

Sputnik International
US Treasury Admits Russian Economy Too Large for Iran-Style Sanctions

Russian Federation Observer
Patrick Armstrong

The National Interest
There's Only One Way Out of the Garland/Kavanaugh Quagmire: Supreme Court Elections
Salvatore Babones | Associate Professor of Sociology at University of Syndey

Lawrence Wilkerson: ‘Irreconcilable Elements’ Stand inwards Way of Korean Deal
Adam Dick

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