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Links — 12 September 2018

The Vineyard of the Saker
The the U.S.A. State Department Openly Outlined Its Plans to Guarantee America’s Global Primacy
Sergey Latyshev
Translated past times Ollie Richardson as well as Angelina Siard

The Americas, armed merchandise as well as inexpensive energy: review of Kenneth Pomeranz's “The Great Divergence”
Branko Milanovic | Visiting Presidential Professor at City University of New York Graduate Center as well as senior scholar at the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), as well as formerly Pb economist inwards the World Bank's query subdivision as well as senior associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Extremism inwards America
Frank Li | Chinese ex-pat, Founder as well as President of W.E.I. (West-East International), a Chicago-based import & export company, B.E. from Zhejiang University (China) inwards 1982, M.E. from the University of Tokyo inwards 1985, as well as Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University inwards 1988, all inwards Electrical Engineering

The Unz Review - nine July 2017
The Russo-Chinese "Alliance" Explained
Andrei Martyanov

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