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Joe Giambrone - Those Permanent Nation Of War “Progressives”

Throughout Western history progressive voices bring supported the Empires wars. The ruling elite appear to bring no work getting members of the in addition to thence called 'liberal left' on their side, inwards fact, this seems to hold upwardly business office of their strategy to instruct their wars going.

George Monbiot of the Guardian, was lately singing on the Syrian war, in addition to yet, years agone he wrote an article virtually the School of America's torture manual in addition to the cruelty inflicted on Central America, in addition to thence he can't hold upwardly that naive virtually what  muddy tricks Washington's tin instruct upwardly to.   Kevin Vincent.

One unexpected revelation, that John McCain’s decease has shown us, is that nosotros completely misjudged only about notable players on the national stage. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in addition to fifty-fifty Audrey Denney inwards Northern California bring praised the serial warmonger as only about variety of national treasure. Real progressives, on the ground, aspect those people to grapple against John McCain’s regal agenda of volume murder for volume profits.

So, what tin nosotros aspect from the most “Progressive” Democratic Party options hold upwardly today? They bring endorsed McCain without qualifying inwards whatever agency the immoral criminality of his lifelong agenda of state of war in addition to to a greater extent than war. No recollection of his Beach Boys parody, “Bomb bomb Iran.” Certainly no beak of his coming together amongst Al Qaeda in addition to other Jihadist elements inwards both Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in addition to Syria! His selling Jihad every bit “freedom” on the States television. Nothing virtually his supporting the ranting, raving neo-Nazis inwards Ukraine, nor the tearing illegal coup there, which McCain was a business office of.

Bernie Sanders voted to bomb Serbia inwards 1999 and to invade Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan inwards 2001. It was good known that the Taliban had offered to scope Osama bin Laden to a legitimate international court if show was produced to implicate him inwards the 9/11 attacks. Instead of pursuing this diplomatic solution, it was instead the starting fourth dimension of an endless state of war that continues to this day, the longest state of war inwards America’s history. Sanders form a vote inwards favor of the railroad train on in addition to against a peaceful diplomatic solution, against justice.
Bernie Sanders also supported:
Israeli onslaughts against the Gaza Strip, most lately the savage bombardment of July-August 2014 which killed nearly 2,000 Palestinians, including to a greater extent than than 500 children. At an August 2014 town hall meeting, Sanders notoriously demanded that audience members “shut up” when they questioned his back upwardly for Israel’s criminal actions.”
Further, Bernie Sanders was correct on John McCain’s side inwards backing the 2014 fascist coup inwards Ukraine. “The entire globe has got to stand upwardly up to Putin,” he argued, ignoring that US/EU back upwardly to a completely undemocratic seizure of ability inwards Ukraine prompted the Russian response. So who was the existent aggressor?
Are these novel “Progressive” kids on the block to a greater extent than of the same? Did nosotros instruct fooled again? With the province lurching toward a Robber Baron kakistocracy, these alternatives may appear similar rays of sunshine. Perhaps they are, but the devil is inwards the details.
How many to a greater extent than wars, “Progressives?” How many?

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