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The Existent Novel Network - How Convey Liberals Used Russiagate To Farther American Exceptionalism? Q&A (Pt 4/6)

This is worth watching merely for the clip of  Bill Maher together with Micheal Moore attacking Col. Larry Wilkerson. Now Col. Larry Wilkerson is a republican together with a nation of war machine homo together with notwithstanding hither is talking virtually making peace amongst Putin because the U.S.A. together with Russian Federation direct keep also many nuclear weapons aimed at each other together with tensions are high. But Bill Maher together with Michael Moore are vehemently anti-Russia together with are amount of it. Clip starts at 29 seconds. It's appalling to encounter liberals beingness together with hence hawkish. I used to similar Micheal Moore together with I loved his films but forthwith he appals me.

I used to similar Bill Maher also 1 time because he was a liberal together with was extremely funny, but when he started bashing Muslims I went off him. I'm no Islam fan either, inwards fact I loathe the religion, but I believe most Muslims are decent people merely because it's human nature to be. Every religion has its fanatics together with and hence does Christianity. What Bill Maher seems to missy is that the West created militant jihadist Islam which has ruined Muslim societies together with made life hell for Muslim women. We nearly succeeded inwards doing the same inwards Syria.

Paul Jay say's the liberals loathe Donald Trump together with hence much that they are making a terrible fault when they railroad train on him over Russiagate. Kevin Vincent.

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