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Caitlin Johnstone — Lodge Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

It's genuinely to a greater extent than than this. All of us create got a globe view, simply nosotros don't all part the same globe view. Everyone takes their ain globe see to last "reality," as well as rejects other globe views equally erroneous, deceitful, degenerate, primitive, or uneducated, or primitive see of reality.

Culture, including early on upbringing as well as education, as well as specially grouping mean value heavily influence the formation of one's globe view. Group mean value is fostered past times narratives. Whoever controls the narrative controls the see of reality inward that group, whether it last a subgroup or an entire society. 

America as well as Britain equally doing their best to impose their articulation globe see on the globe inward the cite of liberal globalization based on "freedom as well as democracy."
In the pic The Matrix, humans are imprisoned inward a virtual globe past times a powerful artificial tidings organisation inward a dystopian future. What they accept to last reality is genuinely a reckoner plan that has been jacked into their brains to continue them inward a comatose state. They alive their whole lives inward that virtual simulation, without whatsoever mode of knowing that what they look to last experiencing amongst their senses is genuinely made of AI-generated code.
Life inward our electrical flow gild is really much the same. The deviation is that instead of AI, it’s psychopathic oligarchs who are keeping us asleep inward the Matrix. And instead of code, it’s narrative.
Society is made of narrative similar the Matrix is made of code. Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government, they’re all purely mental constructs which be nowhere exterior of the mental noises inward our heads. If I asked y'all to quest to your human knee y'all could create as well as thus directly as well as wordlessly, simply if I asked y'all to quest to the economy, for example, the closest y'all could come upwardly is using a bunch of linguistic symbols to quest to a grouping of concepts. To present me the economy, you’d create got to enjoin me a story.…"
Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist
Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.
Caitlin Johnstone

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