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British Imports As Well As Exports Pre-Eu

Very pre-.
Via the website of Pascal Bonenfant:

The next data most Imports together with Exports is taken from London inwards 1731 past times Don Manoel Gonzales. The total text is available from Project Gutenberg. The lists of traded items are taken verbatim from that document.
CountryControlled byBritain exportsBritain imports
Germany Hamburg/German Merchants broad-cloth, druggets, long-ells, serges, together with several sorts of stuffs, tobacco, sugar, ginger, East Republic of Republic of India goods, tin, lead, together with several other commodities prodigious quantities of linen, linen-yarn, kid-skins, tin-plates, together with a neat many other commodities
Russia Russia Company coarse cloth, long- ells, worsted stuffs, tin, lead, tobacco, together with a few other commodities hemp, flax, linen cloth, linen yarn, Russian Federation leather, tallow, furs, iron, potashes, etc., to an immense value
Norway together with Denmark Eastland Company guineas, crown-pieces, bullion, a picayune tobacco, together with a few coarse woollens vast quantities of bargain boards, timber, spars, together with iron
Sweden Eastland Company gold together with silver, together with simply a small-scale quantity of the manufactures together with production of England near two-thirds of the Fe wrought upwards or consumed inwards the kingdom, copper, boards, plank, etc.
Turkey together with the Eastern Mediterrean Turkey/Levant Company broadcloth, long-ells, tins, lead, together with roughly Fe (also saccharide sourced from French Republic together with Lisbon) raw silk, grogram yarn, dyeing stuffs of sundry kinds, drugs, soap; leather, cotton, together with roughly fruit, oil, etc.
India together with China East Republic of Republic of India Company great quantities of bullion, lead, English linguistic communication cloth, together with another goods tea, china ware, cabinets, raw together with wrought silks, coffee, muslins, calicoes, together with other goods
Africa Royal African Company [slaves]1 gold dust together with other commodities, equally crimson wood, elephants' teeth, Republic of Guinea grain
Canary Islands Canary Company baize, kerseys, serges, Norwich stuffs, together with other woollen manufactures; stockings, hats, fustians, haberdashery wares, tin, together with hardware; equally also herrings, pilchards, salted flesh, together with grain; linens, pipe- staves, hoops, etc. wines, logwood, hides, indigo, cochineal, together with other commoditiesi, the hit of America together with the West Indies
Canada Independent Merchants woollen goods together with haberdashery wares, knives, hatchets, arms, together with other hardware beaver-skins, together with other skins together with furs
Italy Independent Merchants broad-cloth, long-ells, baize, druggets, callimancoes, camlets, together with divers other stuffs; leather, tin, lead, neat quantities of fish, equally pilchards, herrings, salmon, Newfoundland cod, etc., pepper, together with other East Republic of Republic of India goods raw, thrown, together with wrought silk, wine, oil, soap, olives, roughly dyer's wares, anchovies, etc.
Spain Independent Merchants broad-cloth, druggets, callimancoes, baize, materials of divers kinds, leather, fish, tin, lead, corn, etc. wine, oil, fruit of divers kinds, wool, indigo, cochineal, together with dyeing stuffs
Portugal Independent Merchants broad-cloth, druggets, baize, long- ells, callimancoes, together with all other sorts of stuffs; equally good equally tin, lead, leather, fish, corn, together with other English linguistic communication commodities great quantities of wine, oil, salt, together with fruit, together with gold, both inwards bullion together with specie
France Independent Merchants Wool [mostly smuggled], tobacco, sugar, tin, lead, coals, a few stuffs, serges, flannels, together with a small-scale affair of broad-cloth wine, brandy, linen, lace, fine cambrics, together with cambric lawns, to a prodigious value; brocades, velvets, together with many other rich silk manufactures
Flanders Independent Merchants serges, a few flannels, a real few stuffs, sugar, tobacco, tin, together with lead fine lace, fine cambrics, together with cambric-lawns, Flemish region whited linens, threads, tapes, incles, together with divers other commodities, to a real neat value
Holland Independent Merchants broad-cloth, druggets, long-ells, stuffs of a neat many sorts, leather, corn, coals, together with something of almost every variety that this kingdom produces; also all sorts of Republic of Republic of India together with Turkey re-exported goods, sugars, tobacco, rice, ginger, pitch together with tar, together with sundry other commodities of the hit of our American plantations great quantities of fine Kingdom of the Netherlands linen, threads, tapes, together with incles; whale fins, brass battery, madder, argol, alongside a large publish of other commodities together with toys; clapboard, wainscot, etc.
Ireland Independent Merchants fine broad-cloth, rich silks, ribbons, gilded together with silvery lace, manufactured Fe together with cutlery wares, pewter, neat quantities of hops, coals, dyeing wares, tobacco, sugar, East Republic of Republic of India goods, raw silk, hollands, together with almost everything they use, simply linens, coarse woollens, together with eatables woollen yarn, linen yarn, neat quantities of wool inwards the fleece, together with roughly tallow
Sugar Plantations2 Independent Merchants all sorts of clothing, both linen, silks, together with woollen; wrought iron, brass, copper, all sorts of solid furniture, together with a neat purpose of their food sugar, ginger, together with several commodities, together with all the bullion together with gilded they tin encounter with
Tobacco Plantations3 Independent Merchants clothing, solid goods, Fe manufactures of all sorts, saddles, bridles, brass together with copper wares; together with nevertheless they dwell amid the woods, they get got their real turnery wares, together with almost everything else that may live on called the industry of England not exclusively what tobacco is consumed at home, simply real neat quantities for re-exportation
1. The Africa Company did non export equally such. Instead it gathered together with sold African slaves for utilization on plantations together with paid for imports alongside the proceeds.
2. 3. Sugar together with Tobacco Plantations are listed inwards the same manner equally countries, demonstrating the enormous wealth these entities generated.

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