Watch Out Elon: Bezos' Bluish Rootage Successfully Lands Both Booster Together With Crew Capsule Later Examination Launch
This was the TechCrunch floor I was going for when the piece on BuzzFeed broke my otherwise ice-cold heart.
From TechCrunch, July 18:
From TechCrunch, July 18:
Today, at its Texas launch facility, Blue Origin performed its close critical examination to date. It performed a alive separation examination of its crew capsule from the rocket booster in addition to everything performed every bit expected. The crew capsule fired its escape motor at the correct time, sending the capsule higher than it e'er has gone before. This successful examination is a huge milestone for Jeff Bezos’ rocket company, which previously stated that if the examination went good it could set the rocket fellowship inward order to popular off operational past times the destination of the year....MUCH MORE

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