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Breaking News

Patrick Armstrong — Russian Federation Sitrep Xix July 2018

Lighthearted merely serious Patrick Armstrong updates us amongst links as well as humor.

Russian Observer
The Establishment Strikes Back
Philip Giraldi, one-time CIA counter-terrorism specialist as well as armed forces word officer, straightaway Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest as well as founding fellow member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

See also

Fort Russ
Ronald Thomas West | one-time Special Forces Sergeant of Operations as well as Intelligence, as well as retired investigator (living inwards exile)

See also

The Unz Review
Russian MFA Declares War on Guardian Hack Carole Cadwalladr
Anatoly Karlin

See also

Paul Craig Roberts
Russiagate Is Constructed of Pure Bullshit, No Facts

See also

Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist
Lying Bigot James Clapper Assures World The Russian Federation Narrative He Built Is Legit
Caitlin Johnstone 

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