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Organizational Construction Of Indian Majuscule Marketplace Put - Chart

Structure of Indian Capital Market with Diagram Organizational Structure of Indian Capital Market - Chart Structure of Indian Capital Market with Diagram

Broadly speaking the capital market is classified inwards to 2 categories. They are the Primary marketplace position (New Issues Market) as well as the Secondary marketplace position (Old (Existing) Issues Market). This classification is done on the dry reason of the nature of the musical instrument brought inwards the market. However on the dry reason of the types of institutions involved inwards working capital alphabetic quality market, it tin last classified into diverse categories such every bit the Government Securities marketplace position or Gilt-edged market, Industrial Securities market, Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) as well as Financial intermediaries. All of these components guide maintain specific features to mention. The construction of the Indian working capital alphabetic quality marketplace position has its distinct features. These unlike segments of the working capital alphabetic quality marketplace position assist to prepare the establishment of working capital alphabetic quality marketplace position inwards many dimensions. The master copy marketplace position helps to enhance fresh working capital alphabetic quality inwards the market. In the secondary market, the buying as well as selling (trading) of working capital alphabetic quality marketplace position instruments takes place. The next nautical chart volition assist us inwards agreement the organizational construction of the Indian Capital market.

Structure of Indian Capital Market with Diagram Organizational Structure of Indian Capital Market - Chart

  1. Government Securities Market : This is too known every bit the Gilt-edged market. This refers to the marketplace position for authorities as well as semi-government securities backed past times the Reserve Bank of Republic of Republic of India (RBI).
  2. Industrial Securities Market : This is a marketplace position for industrial securities i.e. marketplace position for shares as well as debentures of the existing as well as novel corporate firms. Buying as well as selling of such instruments guide maintain house inwards this market. This marketplace position is farther classified into 2 types such every bit the New Issues Market (Primary) as well as the Old (Existing) Issues Market (secondary). In master copy marketplace position fresh working capital alphabetic quality is raised past times companies past times issuing novel shares, bonds, units of usual funds as well as debentures. However inwards the secondary marketplace position already existing i.e quondam shares as well as debentures are traded. This trading takes house through the registered stock exchanges. In Republic of Republic of India nosotros guide maintain 3 prominent stock exchanges. They are the Mumbai Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange (NSE) as well as Over The Counter Exchange of Republic of Republic of India (OTCEI).
  3. Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) : This is nevertheless approximately other of import segment of Indian working capital alphabetic quality market. This comprises diverse fiscal institutions. These tin last especial purpose institutions similar IFCI, ICICI, SFCs, IDBI, IIBI, UTI, etc. These fiscal institutions furnish long term finance for those purposes for which they are laid up.
  4. Financial Intermediaries : The 4th of import segment of the Indian working capital alphabetic quality marketplace position is the fiscal intermediaries. This comprises diverse merchant banking institutions, usual funds, leasing finance companies, venture working capital alphabetic quality companies as well as other fiscal institutions.
These are of import institutions as well as segments inwards the Indian working capital alphabetic quality market.

Structure of Indian Capital Market with Diagram Organizational Structure of Indian Capital Market - Chart SEBI Regulates Indian Capital Market

For the polish surgery of the working capital alphabetic quality marketplace position a proper coordination with inwards a higher house organizations as well as segments is a prerequisite. In fellowship to regulate, promote as well as straight the progress of the Indian Capital Market, the authorities has laid 'Securities as well as Exchange Board of India' (SEBI). SEBI is the supreme potency governing as well as regulating the Capital Market of India.

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