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John Atcheson - Let's Only Acknowledge It: Capitalism Doesn't Work

"In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy."—Fran Lebowitz

In almost every way yous examine it, capitalism – at to the lowest degree the relatively unconstrained, free- marketplace position diverseness expert hither inwards the U.S.A. in addition to supported yesteryear both parties -- has been an abysmal failure. Let’s direct maintain a unopen await to a greater extent than or less of its worst failings.  But first, it must endure admitted that when it comes to exploiting people in addition to the planet for the role of generating apparent wealth for the few, it has been a groovy success.  More almost that notion of “apparent wealth” inwards a moment, but now, the specifics.

The logical end-point of a competitive organization is an oligarchic monopoly

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 recent report  yesteryear UBS reveals that the global march of economical inequality is accelerating.  The written report constitute that the billionaire’s portion of wealth grew yesteryear nearly twenty per centum concluding year, reaching a grade of disparity non seen since 1905, the gilt age.  Interestingly, the kickoff gilt historic menses followed decades of uber-free marketplace position laissez-faire policies, just every bit today’s gilt historic menses has.

Not surprising, really. Empirical show shows that without constraint, markets volition range away along toward a winner-take-all status. In short, monopolies in addition to oligopolies. For example, the U.S. has had iii periods of prolonged laissez-faire economical policies, in addition to each was followed yesteryear extreme wealth inequality in addition to the iii biggest economical crises inwards U.S.A. history, such inequality causes.

Oh, but the magic of contest makes companies compete for our dollar, in addition to thus they can’t afford to exploit us, right? Not in addition to thus much.

The magic elixir of contest doesn’t work—for the uncomplicated argue that in that location isn’t much contest anymore. Having convinced folks that rule is bad, the Oligarchy is inwards the midst of a frenzy of mergers that is giving a few large conglomerates command of many of the major marketplace position sectors.

Derrick Thompson, inwards a recent article inwards the Atlantic, lays out to a greater extent than or less of the grim statistics that illustrate the trend. As Thompson writes,

To comprehend the range of corporate consolidation, imagine a hateful solar daytime inwards the life of a typical American in addition to ask: How long does it direct maintain for her to interact amongst a marketplace position that isn’t nearly monopolized? She wakes upwards to browse the Internet, access to which is sold through a local monopoly. She stocks upwards on nutrient at a superstore such every bit Walmart, which owns a quarter of the grocery market. If she gets indigestion, she mightiness instruct to a         pharmacy, probable owned yesteryear 1 of iii companies controlling 99 per centum of that market. If she’s stressed in addition to wants to relax exterior the shadow of an oligopoly, she’ll direct maintain to rest away from ebooks, music, in addition to beer; 2 companies command to a greater extent than than half     of all sales inwards each of these markets. There is no escape—literally. She tin endeavour boarding an airplane, but 4 corporations command lxxx per centum of the seats on domestic flights.

The consolidation of the media is nevertheless to a greater extent than or less other example; just half dozen corporations at 1 time command ninety per centum of the market. And of course, there’s the inconvenient fact that the “too-big-to-fail” banks that were a major displace of the 2008 Great Recession are at 1 time bigger in addition to fewer.

This concentration of marketplace position ability translates into lower wages, fewer jobs, in addition to higher prices – precisely the reverse of what the neoclassical economical theory embraced yesteryear capitalists tells us volition direct house when nosotros take away regulatory constraints – in addition to precisely the reverse of what the Republicans’ trickle-down myth says volition happen. Or what the neoliberal Democrats tell us, for that matter.

But it also gives the wealthy command over our political system, in addition to the people direct maintain gotten wise to it.  That’s why a petty over a quarter of the eligible voters were able to pose Trump inwards ability – most of the remainder of us are completely turned off yesteryear a political organization that’s clearly for sale in addition to so, increasingly, many exercise non present upwards to vote.

That command has expressed itself inwards policies that effect inwards extreme income disparities betwixt the increasingly few haves in addition to the expanding have-nots. Today, just v people direct maintain every bit much wealth every bit the 3.8 billion people comprising the to the lowest degree wealthy one-half of the world’s population, in addition to nowhere inwards the developed globe is the occupation every bit shrewd every bit it is inwards America.  The organization is rigged, in addition to our belief inwards capitalism in addition to the ability of the magic markets is what allowed that.

Now, almost that “apparent wealth”

We mensurate our wealth inwards currency.  But currency is simply a surrogate for existent wealth, which is based on natural uppercase in addition to labor.  The occupation amongst this is that natural uppercase is limited, piece the sum of currency is limitless.  For example, the value of the derivatives has been estimated to endure every bit high every bit $1.2 trillion, or nearly twenty times the size of the global GDP.  So what?  Well, since:

currency is just a claim made against existent wealth, non wealth itself; and
currency has the capacity to grow infinitely; but
natural capital, the rootage of existent wealth is finite …
That agency nosotros are creating claims on natural uppercase that exceeds the planet’s capacity to furnish it.  In short, nosotros are essentially creating debt for futurity generations in addition to calling it wealth creation.

More hither on externalities - 

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