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Eric Zuesse — Vladimir Putin’S Basic Disagreement Amongst The West

In summary, Putin advocates national sovereignty together with opposes liberal internationalism together with liberal interventionism based on equally roughly other cast of imperialism. The West, the reverse.

More broadly, Russian Federation is traditional patch the West is liberal.

This reason of the broader conflict betwixt the East together with West, Global North together with Global South. 

This conflict is dialectical.

The economical reason is capitalism versus socialism.

Both capitalism together with socialism are internationalist.

This indicates that the historical dialectic at this dot is close the determining the type of globalization inwards damage of ideological framework together with political control.

Will the futurity last dominated yesteryear global upper-case alphabetic quality or something else to a greater extent than along traditional lines.

The acquaint from of capitalism is neoliberalism, which implies neo-imperialism together with neocolonialism.

If this is non to give-up the ghost the dominant framework, what is?

I don't reckon Putin or anyone else real beingness clear on this. As a Russian Orthodox traditionalist together with Westphalian nationalist, he seems to last looking backward rather than forward. 

The Chinese leadership has the most articulated together with nuance option that combines elements of traditionalism, nationalism, globalism, socialism, together with capitalism.

We likely won't know much close this until the fog of state of war clears together with the dust begins to settle.

The Vineyard of the Saker
Vladimir Putin’s Basic Disagreement amongst The West
Eric Zuesse

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As the States President Donald Trump together with Russian President Vladimir Putin ready to run across inwards Helsinki, all eyes are on what mostly are regarded equally the “usual” political issues that carve upwards the world’s 2 initiative of all armed services powers: Ukraine, Syria, sanctions, claims of election interference, together with and then forth. This reflects the near-universal but erroneous thought that this current, minute Cold War is non ideological, equally opposed to the get-go Cold War that pitted atheistic Soviet communism against America’s “in God nosotros trust” capitalism. (Leave aside whether “capitalism,” an socialist term popularized yesteryear Marxists, is the proper description of contemporary neoliberal corporatism.)…
Such a thought totally dismisses the fact that next the demise of communism equally a global ability bloc in that place has been an eerie spiritual utilisation reversal betwixt East together with West. While it’s truthful that during master Cold War the nonreligious ruling cliques inwards Washington together with Moscow held basically compatible progressive values, ordinary Christian Americans (mainly Protestants, amongst a large number of Roman Catholics) perceived communism equally a murderous, godless automobile of oppression (think of the Knights of Columbus’ induce to insert “under God” into the Pledge of Allegiance). Conversely, today it is western elites who rely upon an ideological imperative of “democracy” together with “human rights” advertisement to justify a materialist global empire together with endless wars, much similar the old Soviet nomenklatura depended on Marxism-Leninism both equally a working methodology together with equally a justification for their prerogatives together with privileges,. In that regard, advertisement of nihilist, post-Christian morality – socialist term popularized yesteryear Marxists, is the proper description of contemporary neoliberal corporatism.)…
Such a thought totally dismisses the fact that next the demise of communism equally a global ability bloc in that place has been an eerie spiritual utilisation reversal betwixt East together with West. While it’s truthful that during master Cold War the nonreligious ruling cliques inwards Washington together with Moscow held basically compatible progressive values, ordinary Christian Americans (mainly Protestants, amongst a large number of Roman Catholics) perceived communism equally a murderous, godless automobile of oppression (think of the especially inwards sexual matters – has give-up the ghost a major item inwards the West’s toolkit.…
This has a special importance amongst regard to Russia, where nether Putin the Orthodox Church has largely resumed its pre-1917 utilisation equally the moral anchor of society. This elicits non alone political opposition but a genuine together with heartfelt hate from the socialist term popularized yesteryear Marxists, is the proper description of contemporary neoliberal corporatism.)…
Such a thought totally dismisses the fact that next the demise of communism equally a global ability bloc in that place has been an eerie spiritual utilisation reversal betwixt East together with West. While it’s truthful that during master Cold War the nonreligious ruling cliques inwards Washington together with Moscow held basically compatible progressive values, ordinary Christian Americans (mainly Protestants, amongst a large number of Roman Catholics) perceived communism equally a murderous, godless automobile of oppression (think of the The two-pronged assail on Orthodoxy together with Russia
James George Jatras | Analyst, quondam U.S. of A. diplomat together with unusual policy adviser to the Senate GOP leadership

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More traditionalism vs. liberalism.
The fact that the Catholic Church is rigid inwards Poland makes a difference, because it gives us a mental together with spiritual access to ideas together with sensibilities that convey evaporated inwards the secular West.…
Is liberalism on a collision course of written report amongst Christianity equally good equally Islam?

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Polish Politician Warns Of Europe's "Degenerate Liberalism"
Tunku Varadarajan, originally published op-ed at The Wall Street Journal

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The End Is Near? Pope Decries Governments Turning populace Into Vast Pile Of "Rubble, Deserts, & Refuse"
Tyler Durden

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